FemCare, 100ml (3.3oz)

Description | FemCare is our new product designed for intimate well-being. Experience the care your patients rightly deserve with of our effective, pH-balanced herbal formula, that protects and reestablishes the body’s natural microbiome. The gentle herbal-saline solution ensures a thorough cleanse, hydrating the tissues while combating bacteria, yeast, and fungus in areas they shouldn’t be. Prioritizing comfort and health, FemCare provides a gentle and effective solution for maintaining optimal hygiene and promoting a balanced intimate environment.* FemCare can also be used topically for many types of skin lesions. By establishing the proper pH, hydrating tissues and controlling fungal and bacterial infections with herbs, FemCare creates the conditions for the skin to return to its radiant self.* GUIDELINES TOPICAL USE: Dampen a cotton ball, Qtip or use fingertips GYNECOLOGICAL USE: Topical Application: Douche:
Ingredients | Ingredients: Proprietary Herbal Extract, Sodium Chloride (salt), Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate Proprietary Herbal Extract: Cnidium Seed (She Chuang Zi), Mentha (Bo He), Skullcap Root (Huang Qin), Sophora Root (Ku Shen), Forsythia Fruit (Lian Qiao), Kochia Fruit (Di Fu Zi), Honeysuckle Flower (Jin Yin Hua), Glabrous Rhizome (Tu Fu Ling), Mugwort Leaf (Ai Ye), Atractylodes Rhizome (Cang Zhu), Dandelion Leaf (Pu Gong Ying), Pseudolancis Bark (Tu Jing Pi) |