Energique Herbals

Energique Herbals

Energique® provides 600+ products: Herbal Extracts, Homeopathic Remedies, Medicinal Essential Oils & Nutritional Supplements. Energique is one of the nation’s top suppliers of quality, natural remedies formulated in-house with roots from the heartland of Iowa for more than 30 years.

Energique products are available exclusively through integrative & natural practitioners. We partner with our practitioners and strive to offer the quality products and support they need to provide patients the best health results.

Echinacom C, 2oz

Unit Size: 2oz

Our ECHINACOM C™ brings together echinacea, wild indigo root, poke and sutherlandia combined with propolis, ginger, myrrh, and cayenne to support the body’s immune balance often compromised by viral conditions.*

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Propolicom, 2oz

Unit Size: 2oz

Our PROPOLICOM™ combines astragalus, olive leaf, cleavers, European elder, osha, pau d’arco, propolis, alfalfa, and garlic to support a healthy immune system.*

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