Energique Herbals
Energique® provides 600+ products: Herbal Extracts, Homeopathic Remedies, Medicinal Essential Oils & Nutritional Supplements. Energique is one of the nation’s top suppliers of quality, natural remedies formulated in-house with roots from the heartland of Iowa for more than 30 years.
Energique products are available exclusively through integrative & natural practitioners. We partner with our practitioners and strive to offer the quality products and support they need to provide patients the best health results.
Gencom, 1oz
Our GENCOM™ is a combination of bayberry, buckthorn, dandelion, mullein, red clover , cascara sagrada, catnip, flax seed, and prickly ash to fortify the blood, lymph, liver and bowel.*
Gencom, 2oz
Our GENCOM™ is a combination of bayberry, buckthorn, dandelion, mullein, red clover , cascara sagrada, catnip, flax seed, and prickly ash to fortify the blood, lymph, liver and bowel.*
Gingercom, 2oz
Our GINGERCOM™ blend features ginger and licorice to support digestion and healthy glucose metabolism.*
Ginkgo Leaf, 1oz
Our GINKGO promotes blood flow throughout the body and supports healthy cognitive function.**
Ginkgocom, 2oz
Our GINKGOCOM™ contains ginkgo, ginger, prickly ash, rosemary, garlic, and cayenne to support the circulatory system and brain.*
Goldenseal Root, 1oz
Our GOLDENSEAL ROOT supports a healthy immune system and is also used to help the common cold and other upper respiratory conditions.**
Gotacom, 2oz
Our GOTACOM™ brings together gotu kola, ginkgo, licorice root, sage, Asian ginseng, yellow dock, and cayenne to support the brain and endocrine system.*
Gotu Kola (50%), 2oz
Gotu Kola is known for its rejuvenating benefits, particularly by supporting connective tissues and the brain. **
Grapefruit Seed, 1oz
Our GRAPEFRUIT seed extract is a potent source of nutrients and phytochemicals. It is an excellent source of antioxidants which promote internal and external health, and are used to address conditions from internal yeast to external fungus.**
Graviola Leaf (50%), 2oz
Our spagyric extract of GRAVIOLA supports healthy cell growth and function while providing outstanding antioxidant support.**
Gymnema Leaf, 1oz
Our GYMNEMA has a long tradition in Ayurvedic medicine, and has been used for centuries to promote metabolic health. The herb derives its name from the Hindi language which means “sugar destroyer.”**