Energique Herbals

Energique® provides 600+ products: Herbal Extracts, Homeopathic Remedies, Medicinal Essential Oils & Nutritional Supplements. Energique is one of the nation’s top suppliers of quality, natural remedies formulated in-house with roots from the heartland of Iowa for more than 30 years.
Energique products are available exclusively through integrative & natural practitioners. We partner with our practitioners and strive to offer the quality products and support they need to provide patients the best health results.
Adrenacom, 1oz
ADRENACOM™ blend features andrographis and licorice to support the adrenal glands.*
Adrenacom, 2oz
ADRENACOM™ blend features andrographis and licorice to support the adrenal glands.**
Adrenal Herbal, 2oz
ADRENAL HERBAL supports healthy weight management for the adrenal body type in Dr. Abravanel’s Body Types system.*
Allercom, 1oz
Features American ginseng, cayenne, and chickweed to support the respiratory tract and a healthy immune response to environmental factors.*
American Ginseng, 2oz
Our authentic American Ginseng supports energy and vitality.**
Aronia Berry (25%), 2oz
Our ARONIA offers a powerful antioxidant, and contains the highest concentration of antioxidants found in any fruit.**
Artemisiacom, 1oz
Our ARTEMISIACOM™ features wormwood, black walnut, and tansy to support healthy microflora balance and bowel movement frequency.*
Artemisiacom, 2oz
Our ARTEMISIACOM™ features wormwood, black walnut, and tansy to support healthy microflora balance and bowel movement frequency.*
Arthricom, 2oz
Our ARTHRICOM™ blend features prickly ash, arnica, and black cohosh to support joint health and mobility.**
Ashwaganda Root, 1oz
Helps promote energy, vitality, and fitness.
Astragalus Root, 1oz
Our Astragalus root traces its origins to traditional Chinese Medicine where it has been used as an immune booster for centuries.**
Bayberrycom, 1oz
Our BAYBERRYCOM™ blend features bayberry and goldenrod to support healthy kidney and bladder function.*
Bayberrycom, 2oz
Our BAYBERRYCOM™ blend features bayberry and goldenrod to support healthy kidney and bladder function.*
Bilberrycom, 2oz
Our BILBERRYCOM™ blend features bilberry and eyebright to support healthy vision and eye function.*
Black Radish Root, 1oz
Our Black Radish has been used in Europe as an aid to digestion and a booster to the liver and immune system.**
Black Walnut Hull (Green), 1oz
Our BLACK WALNUT supports heart health , aids digestion, and helps maintain gastro-intestinal balance.**
Burdocom, 1oz
Our BURDOCOM™ blend features burdock, blessed thistle, and dandelion to support liver and skin health.*
Burdocom, 2oz
Our BURDOCOM™ blend features burdock, blessed thistle, and dandelion to support liver and skin health.*
Ca-Clear, 2oz
Our CA-CLEAR™ combines soursop leaf, Venus’ Fly Trap, European Mistletoe, and Sutherlandia to support health immune function.*
Calming Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features mulungu and passionflower to support emotional well-being and help moderate occasional stress.*
Chaste Tree Berry, 1oz
Our CHASTE TREE helps to support a natural, healthy balance within the female endocrine system. It has also been used to promote healthy skin and sleep.**
Chuchuhuasi, 1oz
Our spagyric extract of Chuchuhuasi is prized for its many rejuvenating attributes including modulating inflammation response and supporting the immune system.**
Cilantro Leaf, 1oz
Our CILANTRO is a potent source of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals to support cleansing and detoxification. Used throughout the Americas and Asia as an important food source, it is also known to help remove heavy metals from the body.**
Circulacom, 2oz
Our CIRCULACOM™ blend features ginkgo, cayenne, and blue cohosh to support healthy blood circulation and venous function.*
Cohoshcom I, 1oz
Our COHOSHCOM I™ blend features black cohosh, dong quai, and blessed thistle to support women’s normal hormone balance and help ease mild PMS discomfort.*
Cohoshcom I, 2oz
Our COHOSHCOM I™ blend features black cohosh, dong quai, and blessed thistle to support women’s normal hormone balance and help ease mild PMS discomfort.*
Cohoshcom II, 2oz
COHOSHCOM II™ blend features black cohosh and motherwort to support hormone balance and menopausal health.*
Cough Calm, 4oz
Cough Calm™ combines black cherry, coltsfoot, licorice root, mullein, Irish moss, marshmallow root, plantain, and thyme to ease respiratory distress brought on by seasonal conditions.*
Cratagocom I, 2oz
Our Cratagocom I, features hawthorn, linden, and goldenrod to support the circulatory system.*
Cratagocom II, 1oz
Our CRATAGOCOM II™ blend features hawthorn and Asian ginseng to promote healthy heart muscle and cardiovascular function.*
Damiana (50%), 2oz
Damiana supports energy, stamina, and healthy libido. **
Dandecom, 2oz
Our DANDECOM™ blend features dandelion root, milk thistle, and celandine to support the liver health and detoxification.*
Dandelion Root, 1oz
Our DANDELION supports liver health and detoxification.**
Digesticom, 2oz
Our DIGESTICOM™ blend features a blend of Ayurvedic and complementary herbs to support and fortify the digestive system.*
Digestive Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features baccharis trimera to enhance digestion, aid in nutrient absorption, and support ileocecal function.*
Diuretic Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features Mikania banisteriae, cornsilk stigma, avocado leaf, mate leaf, phyllanthus , anamu leaf, and Brazilian copal bark to provide gentle support to the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract.*
Echinacea Angustifolia 25%, 2oz
Our Echinacea is a powerful ally in the seasonal battle against the common cold, and a boost to the immune system.**
Echinacea Angustifolia 50%, 2oz
Our Echinacea is a powerful ally in the seasonal battle against the common cold, and a boost to the immune system.**
Echinacom C, 2oz
Our ECHINACOM C™ brings together echinacea, wild indigo root, poke and sutherlandia combined with propolis, ginger, myrrh, and cayenne to support the body’s immune balance often compromised by viral conditions.*
Echinacom, 1oz
Our Echinacom™ blend features echinacea angustifolia, goldenseal, and wild indigo to provide immune system support including the health of mucous membranes and the lymphatic system.*
Echinacom, 2oz
Our Echinacom™ blend features echinacea angustifolia, goldenseal, and wild indigo to provide immune system support including the health of mucous membranes and the lymphatic system.*
Elder Berry, 1oz
Our ELDER BERRY is rich in natural immune-boosting flavonoids. These compounds associated with the reduction of swelling, fighting inflammation, and boosting the immune system.**
Elderberry Nectar, 4oz
Ultra-concentrated 65:1 organic elderberry fruit extract with exceptional polyphenol content
Environmental Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula aids in the elimination of environmental toxins.*
Equistacom, 1oz
Our EQUISTACOM™ is a blend of horsetail, cramp bark, rue, hawthorn, devil’s claw, parsley, dandelion, and goldenseal root to support the circulatory system.**
European Mistletoe, 1oz
This spagyric extract of Viscum album supports immunity and healthy NK cell activity; helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, already within normal levels; supports nitric oxide pathways, for normal vasodilation of blood vessels and is a relaxing nervine, to help ease tension and stress.
Female Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features mulungu and manaka to support healthy hormone balance in women, and aid discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle.*
Fennelcom, 2oz
Our FENNELCOM™ is a combination of fennel seeds, chamomile , licorice root, bilberry fruit, yarrow, slippery elm , solomon’s seal, tansy, and witch hazel to support the stomach and intestines.*
Feverfew, 1oz
Our FEVERFEW helps support bone and joint health. Native to Asia Minor and the Balkans, feverfew has been traditionally taken to help skeletal movement, and for the prevention and treatment of migraine headaches.**
Flora Defense, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula featuring pau d’arco, which is well known for supporting microflora balance.*
Gencom, 1oz
Our GENCOM™ is a combination of bayberry, buckthorn, dandelion, mullein, red clover , cascara sagrada, catnip, flax seed, and prickly ash to fortify the blood, lymph, liver and bowel.*
Gencom, 2oz
Our GENCOM™ is a combination of bayberry, buckthorn, dandelion, mullein, red clover , cascara sagrada, catnip, flax seed, and prickly ash to fortify the blood, lymph, liver and bowel.*
Gingercom, 2oz
Our GINGERCOM™ blend features ginger and licorice to support digestion and healthy glucose metabolism.*
Ginkgo Leaf, 1oz
Our GINKGO promotes blood flow throughout the body and supports healthy cognitive function.**
Ginkgocom, 2oz
Our GINKGOCOM™ contains ginkgo, ginger, prickly ash, rosemary, garlic, and cayenne to support the circulatory system and brain.*
Goldenseal Root, 1oz
Our GOLDENSEAL ROOT supports a healthy immune system and is also used to help the common cold and other upper respiratory conditions.**
Gotacom, 2oz
Our GOTACOM™ brings together gotu kola, ginkgo, licorice root, sage, Asian ginseng, yellow dock, and cayenne to support the brain and endocrine system.*
Gotu Kola (50%), 2oz
Gotu Kola is known for its rejuvenating benefits, particularly by supporting connective tissues and the brain. **
Grapefruit Seed, 1oz
Our GRAPEFRUIT seed extract is a potent source of nutrients and phytochemicals. It is an excellent source of antioxidants which promote internal and external health, and are used to address conditions from internal yeast to external fungus.**
Graviola Leaf (50%), 2oz
Our spagyric extract of GRAVIOLA supports healthy cell growth and function while providing outstanding antioxidant support.**
Gymnema Leaf, 1oz
Our GYMNEMA has a long tradition in Ayurvedic medicine, and has been used for centuries to promote metabolic health. The herb derives its name from the Hindi language which means “sugar destroyer.”**
Hawthorn (Fruit, Leaf, Flower), 1oz
Our HAWTHORN supports normal heart function and the maintenance of healthy blood vessels.**
Heart Blend, 2oz
Our HEART BLEND brings together the power of reishi mushrooms with hawthorn, forskohlii, ginger, ginkgo, and turmeric to promote healthy heart function.*
Herbal Energy (50%), 2oz
HERBAL ENERGY is a combination of guarana, eleuthero, gotu kola, licorice root, muira puama, schisandra, and bee pollen designed to support endocrine function to stimulate the nervous system, enhance vitality, and increase stamina.**
Histacom (Formerly AllerCom), 2oz
Our Histacom, 2oz™ blend features American ginseng, cayenne, and chickweed to support the respiratory tract and a healthy immune response to environmental factors.**
Horse Chestnut Seed, 1oz
Our HORSE CHESTNUT has astringent properties to support vein health.**
Hydrangeacom, 1oz
Our HYDRANGEACOM™ blend features hydrangea, gravel root, and artichoke to provide gallbladder and liver support.*
Hydrangeacom, 2oz
Our HYDRANGEACOM™ blend features hydrangea, gravel root, and artichoke to provide gallbladder and liver support.*
Joint Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features manaca tayuya and alchornea castaneifolia promotes freedom of motion and joint health.**
Junicom I, 2oz
JUNICOM I™ is a blend of saw palmetto, pygeum bark, hydrangea, and stinging nettle to help promote a healthy prostate.*
Kelpcom, 1oz
Our KELPCOM™ combines iodine-rich kelp, Irish moss, sarsaparilla, watercress, and cayenne to support a healthy thyroid.*
Kelpcom, 2oz
Our KELPCOM™ combines iodine-rich kelp, Irish moss, sarsaparilla, watercress, and cayenne to support a healthy thyroid.*
Kidney-Clear 50%, 2oz
Our KIDNEY-CLEAR combines buchu, celery seed, chuchuhuasi, clavilla, corn silk, goldenrod, juniper, pata de vaca, pipsissewa, punarnava, quebra pedra, uva ursi, clove, and cayenne to support healthy kidney balance and detoxification.*
Lapachocom, 1oz
Our Lapachocom™ combines pau d’ arco, condurango, ginkgo, poke root, wild indigo, chaparral, and orris to support the immune system and microflora balance.*
Lapachocom, 2oz
Our Lapachocom™ combines pau d’ arco, condurango, ginkgo, poke root, wild indigo, chaparral, and orris to support the immune system and microflora balance.*
Licorice Root, 1oz
Our LICORICE ROOT promotes healthy digestive function. Used for many years in Chinese medicine, it is known to address discomfort from chronic indigestion, heartburn, and stomach ulcers.**
Licrocom, 1oz
Our Licrocom™ brings together licorice root, bayberry, gotu kola, bee pollen, Irish moss, and cayenne to support adrenal balance.**
Lipocom, 2oz
Our LIPOCOM™ combines artichoke leaf, turmeric, guggul, garlic, ginger, and safflower to support healthy liver balance.*
Liver-Clear 50%, 2oz
Our LIVER-CLEAR is a blend of celadine, bupleurum, burdock, culvers root, fringetree, picrorhiza, and wahoo root bark to promote healthy liver function and detoxification.*
Lymph-Clear 50%, 2oz
Our LYMPH-CLEAR is a synergistic blend of poke root, cleavers, blue flag, calendula, echinacea purpurea, ginger, stinging nettle, red root, and wild indigo to support to healthy lymphatic system function.*
Male Formula, 1oz
Our exclusively blended rainforest botanical formula features muira puama and catuaba to support healthy hormone levels in men, stamina, energy, and endurance.*
Metabolism Formula, 1oz
Supports healthy blood sugar levels and combat cravings for sweets.*
Milk Thistle Seed, 1oz
Our MILK THISTLE supports healthy liver function and promotes systemic detoxification.**
Milk Thistle, 2oz
MILK THISTLE supports healthy liver function and promotes systemic detoxification.
Moodivate, 2oz
Moodivate™ by Energique combines Lemon Balm, St. John’s wort, Ashwagandha, and Black Cohosh to help support healthy mood and protect the nervous system.*
Mulleincom, 1oz
Our MULLEINCOM™ features mullein, European elder, Marshmallow root, Coltsfoot, European Pennyroyal, Calendula, Myrrh, and Gentian to support a healthy respiratory system.*
Mulleincom, 2oz
Our MULLEINCOM™ features mullein, European elder, Marshmallow root, Coltsfoot, European Pennyroyal, Calendula, Myrrh, and Gentian to support a healthy respiratory system.*
Myrrhcom, 1oz
Our MYRRHCOM™ features myrrh, mullein, echinacea angustifolia, wild indigo, goldenseal, skullcap, St. John’s wort, suma, and European goldenrod to support healthy sinuses.*
Nettlecom, 1oz
Our NETTLECOM™ features mineral-rich herbs to support healthy digestion and red blood cells.**
Nettlecom, 2oz
Our NETTLECOM™ features mineral-rich herbs to support healthy digestion and red blood cells.**
Olive Leaf (25%), 1oz
Our OLIVE LEAF provides a potent source of oleuropein which is the main beneficial element in the olive tree, supporting healthy cholesterol, blood pressure, and the immune system.**
Olive Leaf (25%), 2oz
Our OLIVE LEAF provides a potent source of oleuropein which is the main beneficial element in the olive tree, supporting healthy cholesterol, blood pressure, and the immune system.*
Olive Leaf (50%), 2oz
Our spagyric extract of Olive Leaf in 50% alcohol has twice the concentration of olive leaf to support healthy immune and cardiovascular function.**
Oregano Leaf, 1oz
Our Oregano derives from the wild Mediterranean variety, and is used to provide support to the immune system.**
Osteocom, 1oz
OSTEOCOM™supports bone and joint health and the skeletal system.*
Osteocom, 2oz
Our OSTEOCOM™ contains bog bean, alfalfa, black cohosh , celery seed, horsetail, parsley leaf, dandelion leaf, Mexican sarsaparilla, marshmallow root, and cayenne to support bone and joint health and the skeletal system.*
Paracom, 1oz
A blend of wormwood, black walnut and cascara sagrada to help support microflora balance and healthy bowel movement frequency.
Pau D' Arco, 1oz
Our Pau D’Arco has been used traditionally in South America to respond to arthritis, fever, and different immune conditions. It is reported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.**
Pituitary Herbal, 2oz
Our PITUITARY HERBAL supports healthy weight management for the pituitary body type in Dr. Abravanel’s Body Types system.