Eliada Farms

Eliada Farms

100% of Eliada Farms proceeds go to help fund Eliada Homes and their mission.

Eliada began farming in the early 20th century when the agency was an orphanage supporting hundreds of children in need of a safe, loving home. The staff and youth of Eliada farmed and fed themselves from the land. As Eliada evolved over time, the farming activities slowly came to a halt.

Today, Eliada has returned to our farming roots. We believe in sustaining and being good stewards of our land. We believe in feeding our children healthy, nutritious food.  We believe in providing hands-on learning opportunities for students.

Eliada Farms currently includes a geodesic grow dome that will be used for hydroponic produce production to feed Eliada’s kids. The dome will also serve as a learning lab that teachers can use on a daily basis. The exterior of the dome will include raised garden beds, outdoor seating, and native plants, creating a beautiful and therapeutic escape.

Eliada’s mission is Helping Children Succeed. We provide a cradle to career continuum of services for over 700 children and youth annually. In partnership with families, we meet basic needs and provide positive child and youth development programming to all ages. We also have high level intervention and prevention services for children and adolescents that focus on social and emotional well being, life skills development, career readiness, and trauma informed treatment. Eliada maintains a 5-Star Child Development Center (child care, prek, afterschool, and summer camp), Residential and Day Treatment mental health programs, Foster Care services, and Workforce Development programming.

Your support, through purchasing Eliada Farms products, will directly impact the lives of hundreds of children every year.

Eliada 100mg Salve

SKU: EA101-100
Unit Size: 0.2oz (6g)

100% of proceeds support Eliada Homes, a not-for-profit organization helping children in need.

(0 reviews)  

Eliada 250mg Hemp Oil for Pets

SKU: EA100-250
Unit Size: 1oz

100% of proceeds support Eliada Homes, a not-for-profit organization helping children in need.

(0 reviews)  
On sale : $25.50
Sale Ends: 05-18-2025
Market price: $30.00 save 15%
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Quantity (14 in stock)

Eliada 500mg Hemp Salve

SKU: EA101-500
Unit Size: 1oz

100% of proceeds support Eliada Homes, a not-for-profit organization helping children in need.

(0 reviews)