Duo, Topical Meditation Minerals, 2 Blend Box

Duo, Topical Meditation Minerals, 2 Blend Box

Duo, Topical Meditation Minerals, 2 Blend Box

Brand OHM Only Healing Minerals
Unit Size .125 oz x 2

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On sale: $68.80 ($86.00) save 20%
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Combo of full sized Three Treasures and Fifth Dimension Topical Meditation Minerals
Mediation Mineral Blends create a dynamic and positive energy flow harmonically encircling the body. When applied before meditation, one is affected by each powerful ground mineral. Enjoy the harmony of the three blends. 
Fifth Dimension ⛅️Meditation Minerals 
Grounded Spirituality
Many Spiritualists believe it is a manifestation of spirit and wisdom shifting from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness. At Ohm, we created Fifth Dimension to fulfill a meditation time and space where the body is grounded, open to the intuitive subconscious of spirituality and physical healing. 
The Wisdom of Understanding
The experience of Fifth Dimension exists in the present, in the Third Dimension. The mind enjoys moving from consciousness to calmness. The Chakras flow like the Earth's vibration, the body's energy circulates through it.
  • Use 1/2 scoop total and rub into
  • Lower back, Sternum, Bottom of feet, Under the belly button
  • Meditate

Full Size. .125 oz   24+ scoops     Selenite, Amber Calcite,  Mangano~Pink Calcite, Stromatolite, Amber, Lepidolite & Emerald Crystals  + 2 Samples  .25oz


Three Treasures㆔Meditation Minerals
Jing • Qi• Shen
Essence of Life, Energy of Body, Spirit of Being. It has been said, with much devotion to regenerative energy, Jing develops into Qi, our daily energy, and Qi develops into Shen, our radiance and spirit.  With Meditation and proper nutrition, the Jing can be strengthened leading to a more vigorous life. Three Treasures Meditation Blend to enliven the Jing so it properly flows through the body to strengthen and circulate the Essence.
The Experience 
As the heat leaves the hands and feet, the lower neck (GV14) opens to allow the Jing to circulate, beginning an exceptional meditative process. For a calm while, the Essence is allowed to flow and nourish the body as it is intended.  Accepting Three Treasures, Basis of Life, while meditating, theoretically is to maintain vitality, health and to age without degeneration of the body.  
  • Using 1/2 scoop apply and rub into to the following
  • Palms (Ying Spring), Finger tips (Jing Well), Toe tips  (Jing Well), The V in the ball of the foot (Jing Well), Lower back of the neck (GV14)
  • Meditate

 Full Size .125oz    24+ scoops per bottle | Selenite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Sodalite, Amber, Sapphire & Red Spinel Crystals   + 2 Samples .25oz

These products were developed under the guidance of Dr Heiner Fruehauf, a world-renowned professor of holistic medicine at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 


Three Treasures: Selenite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Sodalite, Amber, Sapphire & Red Spinel Crystals

Fifth Dimension:  Selenite, Amber Calcite,  Mangano~Pink Calcite, Stromatolite, Amber, Lepidolite & Emerald Crystals

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