Restorative Cleansing Protocol Kit

Restorative Cleansing Protocol Kit

Restorative Cleansing Protocol Kit

Brand Herbalist & Alchemist
Unit Size Kit contains 4 (1 oz) bottles
Contraindications Gentlelax™ - Contains Buckthorn. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain; Buckthorn may worsen condition. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea or are pregnant, nursing or taking medication. Burdock/Red Root Compound™ - Do not use during pregnancy. Thistles Compound™ - Do not use during pregnancy or if you have biliary obstruction. Health Skin Tonic™ - Do not use during pregnancy or lactation.
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Price: $50.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)

The Restorative Cleansing Protocol begins with a one week Deep Cleanse and Detox, followed by a second week Rebalance Cleanse and Detox.*

The four Protocol formulas enhance the normal eliminatory processes of the body. Unlike harsh laxatives, irritating diuretics and strong cholagogues (substances that stimulate emptying of the gallbladder and flow of bile), the herbs that are included in this protocol work via multiple eliminatory pathways as a healthy and safe way of supporting excretion of metabolic wastes, while improving digestion, nutrient absorption, circulation, cellular regeneration, and immune function.*

Weight loss is often a side effect, but not the primary intention. David Winston RH(AHG) also includes dietary guidelines to enhance the protocol.*



Gentlelax (1 oz), 

Burdock/Red Root Compound (1 oz),

Thistles Compound (1 oz), 

Healthy Skin Tonic (1 oz) 

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