Dang Gui Tou Cross Sliced

Dang Gui Tou Cross Sliced

Dang Gui Tou Cross Sliced

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 4.5-15 grms
Taste Sweet; Acrid
Properties Warm
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with diarrhea or abdominal fullness due to abundant dampness
Chinese Symptomology Blood deficiency.
Actions Tonifies the blood and regulates the menses
Pattern Blood deficiency
Branch Heart; Liver: Spleen

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.  Call for expedited shipping rates.

Chinese name Dang Gui Tou (cross sliced)
English name Tangkuei Root Head; Chinese Angelica Root Head
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This item is temporarily out of stock from the manufacturer and cannot be ordered at this time. As far as we know, this item has not been discontinued at this time, so please check back later or scroll to the bottom of the page to select an alternate (if one is available). You can also click the envelope icon to signup for an email notification.

Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

This items consists of Dang Gui Root Head without the lateral roots. It is considered most tonifying and less invigorating to be blood.*


Dang Gui Tou (cross sliced) - 100%

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