Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 1oz (8:1)

Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 1oz (8:1)

Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 1oz (8:1)

SKU FES645-1
Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Concentrates (8:1)
Unit Size 1 fl oz
Potency 8:1
Chinese name Adapted from the formula Dan Shen Yin
English name Salvia Plus

Quickens the blood and transforms stasis, courses the qi, nourishes blood, relieves pain.*

Complete extraction 8:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.

Ingredients Salvia root, Polygonum (he shou wu) root, White Mulberry fruit, Chinese Hawthorn berry, Cassia seed, Alisma rhizome, Eucommia bark, Dong Quai root, Schisandra fruit, Red Peony root, Scutellaria (huang qin) root, Sandalwood wood, Cardamon Amomum (sha ren) fruit, Saussurea root.
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