Cinnamon(Sweet) Powder Organic, 1lb

Cinnamon(Sweet) Powder Organic, 1lb

Cinnamon(Sweet) Powder Organic, 1lb

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1 lb
Potency 1:1 Powdered Herb
Taste Acrid, Sweet - Bensky
Properties hot
Contraindications Use with caution when there is blazing fire from yin deficiency, excessive heat in the interior, or during pregnancy - Bensky
Actions Warms and tonifies the yang, disperses cold, promotes the movement of blood. - Bensky
Pattern Insufficiency of Kidney yang and waning of the gate of vitality; Failure of the Kidneys to grasp the qi; Deficiency of Heart yang; Deep cold causing qi stagnation or blood stasis; Upward floating of deficient yang - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Kidney, Liver Spleen - Bensky

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Chinese name rou gui
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On sale: $22.40 ($28.00) save 20%
Sale Ends: 05-27-2025
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Quantity (4 in stock)

True cinnamon has several thin layers shaved from the inner bark of the tree, unlike the more common cassia cinnamon, which is thicker and curls from both sides inward.
Qualities: True cinnamon, also known as sweet cinnamon, Xi Lan Rou Gui, Ceylon, or Zeylonicum cinnamon, is a popular spice used in many versatile ways throughout history. Cinnamon is widely popular and known for its slightly sweet, delicious, and spicy warming flavour commonly found in baked goods, teas, and spice mixes.
True cinnamon has a more subtle, delicate, and less sweet flavor than the closely related cassia cinnamon. One of the main differences between these two types of cinnamon is that cassia contains higher concentrations of coumarin, which in high doses, can have a negative impact on liver and kidney health. Otherwise, many of their medicinal qualities are the same, as they are so closely related.
Cinnamon, along with it's exceptional and unique flavor, is a highly valued and multipurpose medicinal herb used for circulatory, respiratory, and expectorant applications. It is also used to aid in the digestive process and enhance metabolic function. Many cultures have used cinnamon in their health practices topically and internally throughout history.
Common Use: True cinnamon can be used in a very wide range of applications from sprinkling on your oatmeal or cereal, in baked goods, smoothies, as an extract or tea, or ingested in capsules. Its earthy yet appealing flavor makes it a staple in almost every spice cabinet.


Cinnamomum verum

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