Chun Pi, 100g

Chun Pi, 100g

Chun Pi, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Single Herb Granules - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100 Grams
Dosage recommended 2 gram each time, three times daily or as directed by your licensed practitioners.
Potency 5:1
Taste Bitter
Properties Astringent; Cold
Contraindications Use with caution in cases of cold and deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach, or where there is significant Kidney yin deficiency.
Chinese Symptomology Chronic Diarrhea or dysenteric disorders, especially due to damp-heat; Bloody Stool; Vaginal Discharge due to damp-heat; Roundworms; Pruritic dermatosis (external use);
Actions Clears heat, dries dampness, and binds up the Intestines; Kills parasites
Pattern Chronic diarrhea or dysenteric disorders, especially due to damp-heat; Kills Roundworms;
Channels Entered Large Intestine; Stomach
Chinese name 椿皮
English name Ailanthis Cortex Pareparata, Ailanthus Bark or Root Bark, Cortex Ailanthi

Bitter, astringent, and cold, Ailanthi Cortex (Chun Pi) enters both the qi and blood levels of the Stomach and Large Intestine channels where it clears heat, dries dampness, cools the blood, and restrains bleeding. Thus it has many beneficial actions, limited only by its narrow channel affiliations. It is frequently used for vaginal discharge due to damp-heat, or vaginal discharge appearing mixed with blood, incessant uterine bleeding due to heat in the blood, and blood in the stool due to damp-heat in the Intestines. (From Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.)

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