Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use

Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use

Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 312 Pagers, paperback
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Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use (paperback) brings together the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and the art of aromatherapy by introducing unique essential oils made from Chinese medicinal plants to the aromatherapy community, as well as presenting a new modality to the acupuncture and Chinese medicine community.

This pioneering book by Evelyn Robert, L.Ac., is an innovative treasure for practitioners of Chinese medicine, aromatherapists, their patients, and for anyone interested in the value that the therapeutic use of essential oils offers for their personal wellbeing.

Part One of “Chinese Medicine Essential Oils” explains in detail the therapeutic use of essential oils within the practice of acupuncture and classical Chinese medicine, while making the concepts of these healing modalities accessible to the lay reader. It connects the science and chemistry of essential oils to traditional Chinese medicine theory. Most appreciated by the practicing reader, the author presents comprehensive practical instructions on proper application of the oils for a myriad of conditions and indications, including how to safely dilute essential oils, how to create customized blends, and gives dosage guidelines for homemade products.

In Part Two, the Material Medica, the author presents extensive information about the qualities, actions, and indications, plus therapeutic combinations, and acupuncture point application for over 75 unique Chinese medicine essential oils. Carrier oils, emulsifiers and hydrosols are also presented.

The Appendices follow with book references, cross-references of essential oils and their therapeutic use, and an index.

Chinese Medicine Essential Oils is a unique approach to aromatherapy using essential oils made from Chinese medicinal plants. It is an invaluable reference for any student or practitioner of alternative and complementary medicine.

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