Chi Shi Zhi, 100g

Chi Shi Zhi, 100g

Chi Shi Zhi, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Single Herb Granules - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100 Grams
Dosage recommended 2 gram each time, three times daily or as directed by your licensed practitioners.
Potency 5:1
Taste Sweet, Sour
Properties Astringent; Slightly Warm
Contraindications Use with caution during pregnancy. Contraindicated for hot diarrhea or in the early stages of dysenteric disorders, and for accumulation of damp-heat from excess.
Chinese Symptomology chronic diarrhea due to cold from deficiency; Chronic dysenteric disorders with mucus and blood in the stool; Uterine bleeding, excessive menstruation, blood in the stool, and bleeding prolapsed rectum due to cold from deficiency of the lower burner; Used
Actions Binds up the intestines and stops diarrhea; Contains the blood and stops bleeding; Promotes healing of wounds
Channels Entered Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine
Chinese name 赤石脂
English name Red Hallyosite, Halloysitum Rubrum

Halloysitum rubrum (chi shi zhi) is sweet and warm and thus augments the qi; heavy in weight, such that it enters the lower burner; reddish in color, such that it enters the blood level; and sour, such that it stabilizes and binds. These characteristics also enable it to generate flesh, and thus assist in the healing of chronic sores; it is also applied externally for this indication. Its main areas of application, however, are in the treatment of chronic diarrhea and uterine bleeding associated with deficiency disorders. (Chinese Herbal Materia Medica)*

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