Charge, ChiChi Dark Chocolate Bar

Charge, ChiChi Dark Chocolate Bar

Charge, ChiChi Dark Chocolate Bar

Brand ChiChi Chinese Herbal Chocolate Bars
Unit Size 2.5oz (70g) Bar

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Price: $8.99
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Quantity (10 in stock)

Dark Chocolate with Traditional Herbs for Energy

Dark Chocolate with Healing Herbs Used for Thousands of Years to Support Energy and Strength.

The herbs in this bar boost Qi, or energy. Best used to help support common issues such as fatigue and energy loss. Aligns with Earth element and can be useful for everyone. We use USDA certified organic ingredients.


Uses & Benefits

中心黃龍 – Yellow Snake of the Center

Here at CHICHI, we are inspired by the Five Elements and Five Directions of Chinese Medicine, symbolized by the Five Animals of Taoist Cosmology. The herbs in our CHARGE BAR support the EARTH element and an increase in energy. EARTH connects to Spleen and Stomach. In Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory, EARTH is represented in the center of the body, the middle burner—the digestive system and the color yellow. It is home to the Yi, which is thinking and concentration. This energy is responsible for distributing Qi throughout the body, aiding in mental focus, intention, and determination. We invoke the Yellow Snake here because it represents the stabilizing forces of the earth, the center, and the sun, and offers a supportive life-force. CHARGE Bar supports strength, power, and a natural boost in energy.

 Natural Energy Boost

 Supports Strength and Stamina

 Earth Element

Acupressure Points for Energy

When locating points, feel for a tender spot or a place where your finger seems to dip slightly. Most acupuncture points are noticeable once you find them! Spend 30 seconds on each point. Apply firm pressure while breathing steadily into your abdomen. Tip: Press the point on each side of the body to feel which one is more tender/sensitive. If you notice a difference, focus your acupressure session on the tender side.

Spleen 6

On the inside of the leg, roughly 3 inches above the tip of your ankle bone. Just off the edge of the tibia. Traditional Functions: Supports digestion, calms the mind, helps with abdominal pain and distention.

Spleen 3

On the inside side of the foot, just below the bony prominence where the big toe joins the foot. Traditional Functions: Nourishes the Spleen energy of the body in the presence of dampness. The Spleen must be strong in order to overcome dampness in the body. Harmonizes the digestive system and boosts energy.

Conception Vessel 12

On the center line of the body, halfway between the navel and the place where the ribs come together. Traditional Functions: Regulates the Stomach Qi and tonifies Spleen deficiency. Helps with bloating, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation. Reduces overthinking and over worrying.

Learn More About ChiChi Chocolate


Manufactured in a facility that handles milk and dairy products and may contain traces. Ingredients: Organic Unsweetened Chocolate, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Southern Ginseng, Organic Angelica, Organic Cassia Seed, Organic Bitter Orange Peel, Organic Hawthorn Fruit, Organic Astragalus, Organic Plantago Seed, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Atractylodes, Organic Pseudoginseng Root, Organic Codonopsis Root, Organic Artemisia Leaf, Organic Atractylodes Tuber, Organic Water Plantain, Organic Snakegourd Fruit, Organic Licorice

Price : $13.05
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Quantity (11 in stock)

Price : $8.99
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Quantity (22 in stock)
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