Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Granules, 100g

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Granules, 100g

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Granules, 100g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Should not be prescribed for patterns of pure excess or defciency
Chinese Symptomology Malarial disorders with pronouced chills and only light fever, or chills without fever. The extremities are cold and the patient is averse to wind. Other symptoms include headache, pain in the hypochondria, and thirst.
Actions Harmonizes and releases the lesser yang, disperses clumping, warms the interior, and dispels cold
Pattern Summerheat pathogen hiding deep in the yin aspect of the lesser yang , stirred by newly-contracted wind-cold.
Tongue White, slippery coating
Pulse Wiry and tight on the left or wiry and slow on the right
Chinese name Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang, Chai Hu Gui Jiang Tang
English name Bupleurum, Cinnamon and Ginger Decoction
Description Harmonizes and releases the lesser yang, disperses clumping, warms the interior, and dispels cold*
Ingredients Serving size: 1 tsp (2g) Servings per container: 50 Chai hu (bupleurum root) 668mg Tian hua fen (trichosanthes root) 334mg Gui Zhi (cinnamon twigs) 250mg Huang qin (Scutelaria root) 250mg Gan jiang (dried ginger root) 166mg Mu li (oyster shell) 166mg Zhi gan cao (baked licorice root) 166mg
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