Cang Er Zi Essential Oil, 5ml

Cang Er Zi Essential Oil, 5ml

Cang Er Zi Essential Oil, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5 ml
Chinese Symptomology sinusitis*, sinus blockage*, itchy skin*, blocked nasal passages*
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Price: $28.00
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Cang Er ZI essential oil is locally steam distilled from the mature fruit and seed of the xanthium fruit.  

This essential oil has a pleasant fruit forward aroma of ripe concord grapes with a gentle menthol top note. This oil is so light and serene that it may be effectively applied directly to the nasal mucus membranes for a soft, cleansing effect on the sinuses. 

In Chinese Medicine the seed of the xanthium fruit, Cang Er Zi, is one of the indispensable go-to, medicinals for treating conditions related to colds, allergies and sinusitis. Accordingly, it is distinguished for its ability to open the nasal passages, alleviate sinus pain and sinus related headache and to open blocked nasal passages. *

Cang Er Zi’s nature is warm, and it has an affinity for the Lungs and Lung channel. Our essential oil can be utilized as a steam to address a host of related sinus and nasal issues while also warming and breaking up phlegm. *

Moreover, a key feature of Cang Er Zi is its ability to dispel wind and dampness and has been utilized for millennia to treat irritated, itchy skin and various rashes. Our essential oil, with its abundant Ethyl Linoleate and Vitamin E content has a gentle soothing effect on the skin and may be used topically to help alleviate dermatological related issues.*

Whether used as a steam or as a topical our Cang Er ZI essential oil has a warming, opening, dispersing, yet relieving effect that can be gently utilized during a painful, uncomfortable bout of winter sinusitis or during a swollen, itchy rash outbreak.* 

Note: Middle and Base 

TCM Category: Wind Cold Releasing 

Channels Entered: Lung, Liver 

Major Chemical Components: Ethyl Linoleate, Vitamin E, Palmitic acid ethyl ester, Squalene, Ethyl Oleate.


Cang Er Zi (Fructus Xanthii) Essential Oil

Xanthium Fruit Essential Oil

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