Bruise, Topical Mineral

Bruise, Topical Mineral

Bruise, Topical Mineral

Brand OHM Only Healing Minerals
Unit Size .125oz

Tips & Scripts

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Price: $48.00
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Quantity (11 in stock)
Sprains • Bursitis • Strains
"Dr Search Engine" recommends treatment of a bruised area ~ 'Rest, Ice and Elevate'.  Most of us realize these tips do not heal an injury and only relieve pain for a few minutes.  
As only Ohm can do, we created Bruise Topical Mineral blend using our Minerals as Medicine approach to treating a bruise or injury urging the body to mend itself from within. Bruise targets nutrients and functions to rapidly dissipate pain, swelling, and discoloration from a bruise or injury while promoting tissue healing.
Practitioners believe the Spleen rules the flesh, nourishing and healing, inclusive of the muscles of the body, "we can place this idea within the context of the other major systems of the body" (Classical Chinese Medicine; Lithong, Fruehauf pg.439)
How it works...
Bruise is crafted with minerals known to stimulate the Spleen and enliven the life force targeting the healing of injured tissues. Our first choice, two minerals containing copper to unblock and stimulate energetic movement 
  • Azurite; Increases circulation of blood, works on nerve damage supporting the myelin sheath, and mends bone fractures
  • Malachite; Addresses acute conditions, stimulates nerves and rebuilds to repair tissue, works with Tiger Eye to stimulate the Spleen

Integral to the blend is the next step in formulation using three minerals less known in injury care but critical for Bruise to supply Spleen strength

  • Tigers Eye; A key mineral for Spleen strength and function, reconstitutes muscle and breaks up stagnation
  • Fluorite; Known to reduce inflammation, stimulate regeneration, and have positive effects on the nervous system 
  • Stilbite; An unsung hero, used by ancients in poultices for injuries, torn ligaments, and tendons

As with most of our blends we’ve added a couple of minerals to weave the formula together, delicately nourishing the body while caring for an injury 

  • Amethyst; Tonifies the Spleen, nourishes the Liver Blood to ease bruising (Franks pg.144)
  • Amber; Stimulates vitality, rebalancing and self-healing; promotes tissue regeneration and rejuvenation, and is thought to alleviate pain


The Medicine Chest Bruise should be in every Medicine Chest. Use immediately for any type of injury, bruise, sprain, ligaments, and tendons, or bursitis. Rub into the skin, gently, into any closed wound injury, or apply on a poultice or use with castor oil. After the first application, pain and swelling will be reduced and bruising less visible. Bruise can be used on an old injury for a short period of time. Bruise is great for everyday calamities, sports injuries and is also available for pets in our K-9 products.


  • Use 1/2 scoop on injury or bursitis joint
  • 1 or 2 x a day
  • Use on a poultice, optional
  • Use with Castor Oil, optional
  • Do not exceed 2 weeks of usage per event

.125oz  |  Fluorite, Amber, Amethyst, Malachite, Tiger Eye, Stilbite, Rhodochrosite & Azurite Crystals

Patent Pending

Crystals Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are all packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle". Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the minerals crystals charged, healing, and fresh.  

These products were developed under the guidance of Dr Heiner Fruehauf, a world-renowned professor of holistic medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

♥︎ Ohm