Breathe Again, 4oz

Breathe Again, 4oz

Breathe Again, 4oz

Brand Si Jin Bao
Unit Size 4 fl oz
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Price: $27.00
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Quantity (5 in stock)

Stop Cough Immune Support Decoction*
Breathe Easy Not Wheezy – 4oz.

This is the Over-the-Counter product of A.I.R. Professional.

The Breathe Again formula was created to allow the lungs to grasp the qi, resolve, eliminate and transform the phlegm as well as open the nose. The decoction was originally designed at the request of a Holistic Pediatrician who was looking for something to stop coughs and clear infections while also tasting good. Alcohol free and kid friendly.*

Dosage Instructions

Lasts eleven and a half (11 1/2) days for adult dosage.

For best results take 30 minutes before or after food or drink. Add 1 oz. of boiling water to recommended dosage using the information below. Cover for 5 minutes, drink warm & take twice daily.

7 Years to Adult – 80 drops
2 to 6 Years – 40 drops
1 Year – 30 drops
Newborn – 15 drops


Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Allow Lungs to grasp Qi
  • Nourishes production of Yin & Yang
  • Resolve Phlegm
  • Transform Phlegm
  • Eliminate Phlegm
  • Open the Nose
  • Rectifies the Qi


蔬菜甘油  Gān Yóu Vegetable Glycerin
 生薑  Sheng Jiang Fresh Ginger
 桔梗  Jie Geng Platycodon
 車前子  Che Qian Zi Plantago Seed
 厚朴  Hou Po Magnolia Bark
 補骨脂  Bu Gu Zhi Psoralea Fruit
 沙參  Bei Sha Shen Glehnia Root
 蒼耳子  Cang Er Zi Xanthium Fruit
 白芷  Bai Zhi Dahurien Angelica
 辛夷花  Xin Yi Hua Magnolia Flower
 蒸馏水  Zhēng Liú Shuǐ Distilled Water