Blue Poppy Granules - Single Herbs
Enhanced Potency
Each formula is decocted with a dual extraction process using both alcohol and water.
No Starches
We replace inactive starches like maltodextrin with active herb powder.
Statement about Blue Poppy Formula Granules and Extraction Ratios
Lai Fu Zi Granules
Radish Seed transforms phlegm, reduces food stagnation, promotes the flow of qi in the Lungs, Spleen, and Large Intestine. - Bensky
Li Zhi He Granules
Litchee Pit disperses qi stagnation and cold obstruction in the Liver channel. - Bensky
Lian Qiao Granules
Forsythia Fruit cools and vents heat, particularly in the Heart and upper burner; resolves toxicity, disperses clumps. - Bensky
Lian Zi Granules
Lotus Seed tonifies and stabilizes the Spleen, Heart, and Kidneys; calms the spirti. - Bensky
Lian Zi Xin Granules
Lotus Plumule clears heat from the Heart and Pericardium - Bensky
Ling Zhi Granules
Ganoderma calms the spirit while augmenting the qi and nourishing the blood. - Bensky
Long Dan Cao Granules
Gentiana Root drains fire from excess in the Liver and Gallbladder, eliminates lower burner damp-heat. - Bensky
Long Gu Granules
Fossilized Bone settles anxiety and calms the spirit; Calms the Liver and anchors and preserves the floating yang; Prevents leakage of fluids..*
Long Yan Rou Granules
Longan Fruit nourishes the blood, tonifies the qi, and calms the spirit.*
Lou Lu Granules
Rhaponticum Root resolves toxicity, disperses clumps, expes pus, causes milk to descend - Bensky
Lu Gen Granules
Reed Rhizome cools the Lungs and Stomach, generates fluids without being cloying, alleviates nausea, promotes urination.
Lu Lu Tong Granules
Sweetgum Fruit invigorates the qi and blood, treats painful obstruction, facilitates urination.
Luo Bu Ma Granules
Dogbane Leaf calms the Liver and quiets the spirit and clears heat and promotes urination.
Luo Han Guo Granules
Momordica Fruit clears heat and moistens the Lungs, generates fluids to stop thirst, lubricates the Intestines to unblock the bowels. - Bensky
Luo Shi Teng Granules
Star Jasmine Stem dispels wind-dampness, invigorates the collaterals, cools the blood