Blue Poppy Granules - Formulas
Enhanced Potency
Each formula is decocted with a dual extraction process using both alcohol and water.
No Starches
We replace inactive starches like maltodextrin with active herb powder.
Expert Formulation
Skillful processing and adjusted ingredient proportions adapt the formulas for today’s clinicians.
Statement about Blue Poppy Formula Granules and Extraction Ratios
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Auklandia & Amomum Six Gentlemen Decoction supplements Qi, invigorates the Spleen and regulates the Stomach.
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Minor Bupleurum Decoction harmonizes the two meridians of Shaoyang -- the Triple Warmer and Gallbladder.
Xiao Feng San
Dang Gui & Arctium disperses wind and eliminates dampness, clears heat and cools the blood
Xiao Yao San
Free and easy wanderer / Tang-Kuei & Bupleurum / Dang Gui & Bupleurum relieves Liver Qi stagnation; strengthens Stomach and Spleen functions; harmonizes Stomach and Liver functions.
Xin Yi San
Magnolia Flower Formula disperses wind-cold and unblocks the nasal passages.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Blood Mansion Dispel Stasis relieves Qi and blood stagnation; relieves pain.