Blood Stagnation, Steam - Douche - Soak - Enema Kit

Blood Stagnation, Steam - Douche - Soak - Enema Kit

Blood Stagnation, Steam - Douche - Soak - Enema Kit

Brand BioHerboloQi
Unit Size 2 cups of raw premium and organic herbs, 60ml catheter tip syringe and instruction kit
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Price: $25.00
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2 cups of raw premium and organic herbs, 60ml catheter tip syringe and instruction kit in a 100% recycled and compostable food grade bag. We do not make samples for these kits. Try a kit! One kit contains 2-4 applications.


Versatile herb kits with easy application syringes. Full instructions come with each kit. 

EACH KIT contains:

– 2 cups of raw herbs of premium or certified organic quality. This means they have been tested for any heavy metals, pesticide residues or contaminants above and beyond USDA certified organic standards. Each kit is in a 100% compostable and food grade paper bag with a zip seal. 

– 1x 60ml applicator syringe with catheter tip. 

– Full instructions for each kind of application options. Please read fully before using.


For default steaming and blood stagnation patterns. Steam & douche for gynecology patterns like period pain, stagnant blood, endometriosis. Peri-anal steam or enema for hemorrhoids, fissures, masses. Soak for any blood stagnation patterns in a bath, or as a room temperature male genital soak. Eg. Prostate conditions with blood stagnation or masses. Skin conditions with blood stagnation or bruising. 


For genitourinary damp, UTI or skin damp patterns: vaginal steam and douche, peri anal steam, enema or soak. Caution with steaming for acute UTI with an active fever. Use as a body temperature douche instead. You can soak in a bath, or use a room temperature soak for male genitals. Eg. Prostate or genito-urinary conditions with Damp affecting the function, skin or urinary flow. 


For itchiness, bacterial imbalances like thrush and vaginosis or for viral lesions like herpes or HPV. For genitourinary, bowel or skin bacterial or viral patterns with itch or lesions. You may steam, douche, peri anal steam, enema or soak as is appropriate.

ALL kits are flexible for use as a steam, douche, soak or enema. With each kit of 2 cups raw herbs you can make:

  • 2 applications as a steam or bath soak by decocting 1 cup. 
  • 4 douche, enema or male genital soaks from one kit, by decocting 1/2 cup. 
  • You can also use the steam decoctions as a douche or enema after steaming.

These products are for use as guided by practitioners who have some training in steaming. Please refer to your practitioner for further instructions and the full instruction packet that comes with each kit.


You may choose another style of application if steaming is contraindicated

  • Active fever from infection  (see notes below).
  • Ulcerated or open wound susceptible to infection (see notes below).
  • Menstruation or ovulation.
  • Spontaneous bleeding, heavy or light, outside of usual cycle (any bleeding times).
  • During Miscarriage (again, any gyne bleeding times).
  • During Pregnancy.  (Post partum steaming can begin around 9-13 days after giving birth. For each case it is best to consult a post partum steam trained practitioner as it depends on diagnosis). 
  • After ovulation while trying to conceive. (Steaming has been used to develop egg quality in advance as part of fertility preparation). 

NOTES  on Contraindications:

The contraindication for infection is about the presence of a) fever or b) open wounds which will get worse with damp and steam. 

  1. A) FEVER: If someone has a fever due to an infection, (gyne infection or otherwise) steaming is contraindicated, but you will often see hot baths or showers recommended for certain types of fever but not for others. With diagnosis, a practitioner can look at what the nature of the cause of the fever is and if warmth and steam will help to resolve it and release the exterior, or if it will exacerbate heat and fever.  If you are unsure, or if the fever is going to get worse from a steam, then you can  consider if using the herbal decoction as a douche would be appropriate. You may also decide to wait until the fever has resolved. The applicator syringe is 60ml with a catheter tip which is great for douche insertion and you can use less water than you would to create the douche decoction as for a steam decoction. Amounts and temperature guides are given in the instructions.
  2. B) OPEN WOUNDS: If someone has any open skin wounds that can get infected from the toes up to the waist then steaming can be a risk because you wrap the whole lower body in a sheet or blanket to keep the steam inside. Things like leg ulcers would be a direct risk with steaming. Again you can decide if a body temperature or slightly warmer douche might be appropriate. If there are open wounds on the upper half of the body that are not infected or ulcerated they will often be ok, as long as the steam blanket is wrapped from the toes to the waist. 

OPTIONS FOR EACH KIT – detailed instructions come with each kit.

Steam: 1 cup decocted and steamed as warm as is comfortable to sit in for 20 minutes wrapped in a blanket. 

Douche: ½  cup decocted (or use the decoction from a steam session) and applied at body temperature or a bit warmer for cold gyne patterns. 97 – 102F / 36- 39C

Enema: ½  cup decocted and applied at body temperature or a bit warmer for cold large intestine patterns. 97 – 102F / 36- 39C.

Male genital soak: ½  cup decocted and cooled to below body temperature, around room temperature 75-85F  or 23C -30C then used as a soak. Testicles are a bit cooler and don’t do well with heating. The standard healthy testicle temperature is 94-95F / 34-35C. 

Bath Soak: 1 cup decocted and added to a bath for skin issues.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For further care we recommend Chinese Medicine practitioners. 

COMPOSTABLE: The stand up pouch for the herbs is made from 100% compostable materials and is food safe. This zipper pouch is made with renewable Kraft paper. The inside is laminated with plant-based PLA and a protective coating, providing a high freshness barrier. Please tear off the paper label before composting, it is only the printed part of the label that needs to be removed. Some white paper reside and the non toxic glue is safe to compost. The packaging for the 60ml catheter tip syringe is not compostable but is as is, providing a sterile seal on each new syringe. Thankyou for looking after our soil and environment. We do our best to source green packaging options.


*Mei Gui Hua (rosae rugosae flos), *Ai Ye (artemisiae argyi folium), **Xun Yi Cao (lavandula angustifolia), *Hong Hua (carthami flos), *Wang Bu Liu Xing (vaccariae semen), *Ju Hua (chrysanthemum flos).

~ 100 % Non GMO.
** Certified organic ingredient.
* Wildcrafted or premium ingredient. Tested pesticide, heavy metal & contaminant free.

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