Biome Breakthrough - Vanilla, 150g (10b CFUs)

Biome Breakthrough - Vanilla, 150g (10b CFUs)

Biome Breakthrough - Vanilla, 150g (10b CFUs)

Brand biOptimizers Nutritional Supplements
Unit Size 150g (30 servings)
Dosage Add one level scoop of Biome Breakthrough® to 8 oz. of water. Take once a day on an empty stomach.
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Price: $54.99
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Want to eliminate bad bacteria and build a healthy gut biome? Prebiotics and probiotics that weed out bad bacteria, reseed good ones, and repair gut lining.

Biome Breakthrough® is a powerful combination of IgYmax and synbiotics (probiotics and prebiotics). It is synergistically designed to weed out bad bacteria and reseed the good ones, as well as repair the gut lining.

  • Benefits:
  • Promotes overall GI health
  • Supports a healthy gut barrier
  • Eliminates bloating & gas
  • Promotes healthy immune response
  • Supports a balanced inflammatory response at the gut barrier
  • Promotes healthy nutrient absorption
  • May raise your energy levels


Forgive me for getting nerdy for a second... but this is essential to sealing any holes in your gut.

Immunoglobulins are a class of proteins which are formed by your immune system in reaction to certain foreign substances.

They are quite frankly some of the most powerful nutrients in existence.

Your body is specifically designed to recognize and USE immunoglobulins to help in the fight against pathogens.

But here’s the REALLY amazing part...

Specific immunoglobulins found in eggs have superpowers—especially when it comes to your gut.

In fact, one study conducted on an egg-based immunoglobulin—called IgY—found mind-blowing results:

Initially, the majority of subjects reported “a decrease in gas and bloating” and “felt more energy”...

Yet the most incredible result of all was the 95% decline in the occurrence of something called Zonulin—which shows up when there is excess intestinal permeability (holes in the gut lining)...

That means you...
Take This Nutrient, And Up To 95% Of The “Holes” In Your Gut Get Sealed...

Truly amazing.

Plus, subjects saw a 290% decline in leaky gut and cytokine markers—which speaks to how this rare compound delivers further benefits to your immune system, digestion, and more.

Now, you *could* definitely get more of this nutrient by eating more egg yolks—but there’s a problem...

These egg-based immunoglobulins are very sensitive to heat — so cooking up some delicious eggs isn’t that helpful...

Plus, to get enough of these immunoglobulins to actually repair gut lining and for them to pass through your entire gastric environment, with all of the acids it produces...

These immunoglobulins need to be attached to special sugars so they can reach your gut lining fully intact.

More on this in a moment...
GUT-IMMUNITY NUTRIENT #2: Rare “Repairing” Probiotic Strains

Once the lining in your gut is no longer excessively “permeable” (riddled with holes)... you’re ready for the next step.

Years and years of gut issues have left most people with a very toxic imbalance of bad microbes relative to the good guys.

And in this altered environment, where food tends to rot and putrefy more, the problem tends to get worse with time...

Luckily, in my work with thousands of clients and follow-up research with our team...

We uncovered the EXACT probiotic strains needed to kickstart this repopulation process...

This way, your gut lining is filled with all the good bacteria needed to help you build super immunity...

This includes:

— which is a probiotic bacteria native to your gut, but hard to find in food sources... and not common in other probiotic supplements.

The early research on Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is pretty incredible:

    In one study, orally administered Lactobacillus rhamnosus modulates the respiratory immune response triggered by the pathogens...
    A study by doctors in Finland found that it directly helps activate immune response in the gut...
    Another study found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus is critical for supporting the gut barrier’s natural self-repair


— a probiotic that helps the body by crowding out bad guys, which, in turn, promotes healthy immune function and aids in digestion.

This is another essential strain for rebuilding your gut-immunity connection and early research is beyond impressive:

    In a study published in the Academic Press Journal, the researchers found that Lactobacillus gasseri potentiates immune response against infection.
    Initial animal studies have found that Lactobacillus gasseri promotes a balanced inflammatory respose and supports the gut lining’s natural self-repair process —making it powerful in the gut-rebuilding process.
    And when scientists in Korea studied this strain, they found that it reduced inches around the waist and hips in human subjects.


— a type of lactic acid bacteria, naturally found in the gut, shown to enhance protection against pathogens and modulate immune responses.

This is the third and final probiotic strain ESSENTIAL to the gut-rebuilding process:

  •     A study published in the journal Nutrition found that Lactobacillus helveticus significantly improved immune response in elderly people...
  •     Another study published in the Frontier Journal of Microbiology showed that Lactobacillus helveticus was able to induce immune response and exert a protective effect against some bad bacteria
  •     And finally, a study published in the American Society for Microbiology showed how Lactobacillus helveticus works with a protein in your body to modulate and properly stimulate innate immunity...

GUT-IMMUNITY NUTRIENT #3: Feed The Good Guys Starved The Bad Guys With Powerful Prebiotics

The last step is simply to add prebiotics—which are nutrients/fuel for your friendly bacteria—to accelerate the regrowth and rebuilding process.

Unfortunately, not all prebiotics are created equally... so you need to be careful which ones you incorporate. Science says these are most effective:

Inulin - a naturally occurring polysaccharide sugar produced by many types of plants, which cannot be absorbed as a carbohydrate, and instead feeds friendly bacteria in your gut.

Inulin has some very impressive research behind it:

One study on inulin (and its fermentation metabolites) found that it boosted gut barrier and immune function of porcine intestinal epithelial cells...

A study published in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition found that Inulin prebiotics directly helped modulate immunity function in humans...

And just like the probiotic strains we covered a moment ago, a study found that inulin can help with weight management and ectopic fat with subjects who have blood sugar issues...

Now, there are even more prebiotics you could add to this mix—but this is a great start.

Especially because this 1-2-3 combination goes beyond just restoring your gut-immunity connection.

It helps activate ALL FOUR critical pathways necessary for “super immunity.”
Why Settle For One Immunity Pathway When You Could ACTIVATE ALL 3?

You’ve probably seen more “immunity solutions” in recent months—than all the other years of your life combined.

Solutions like vitamin C... colloidal silver... elderberry... zinc... and many others.

Nothing against any of these nutrients; they can be great to take.

  •     FIRST, they do NOT address the ROOT CAUSE of weak immunity , which lies in your gut permeability and balance... AND...
  •     And SECOND, they ONLY activate ONE of the major pathways to immune response...

The three shortcut nutrient steps you’ve just discovered, on the other hand, activate all three pathways and thereby help build what I like to call “super immunity.”

This includes:


Studies have shown that healthy gut lining is teeming with good bacteria that form a stable community of protection.

One role of these “protectors” is to resist and kill invading, non-native bacteria and other pathogens.


A study published in the Journal Microbes found that a healthy gut, one that is not overly permeable and has the right balance of bacteria, helps maintain “immune homeostasis.”

This means it helps you naturally regulate overall immune response throughout the entire body — something other solutions cannot do because they don’t directly address the gut-immunity connection.


This last pathway is perhaps the most powerful, especially when it comes to foreign pathogens.

Earlier, you learned that immunoglobulins are Y shaped molecules that play a direct role in defending against “bad guys.”

Immunoglobulins are found in the openings through which outside organisms can enter your body, as well as blood and lymph fluids.

That makes them the first line of defense against invading organisms like viruses and bacteria.



See label image for detailed info.

L. rhamnosus, L. gasseri, and L. helveticus
Bone Broth
IGY Max - Hyperimmunized Egg Powder

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