Ba Zhen Tang Capsules

Ba Zhen Tang Capsules

Ba Zhen Tang Capsules

Brand BioEssence Chinese Herbal Capsules
Unit Size 100 caps
Dosage 3 capsules, 2-3 times per day
Potency 5:1 extract granules encapsulated
Contraindications Do not use during periods of colds or flu
Chinese Symptomology Qi deficiency; Blood deficiency
Actions Tonifies and augments the qi and blood
Pattern Qi and blood deficiency
Tongue Pale tongue with light coating
Pulse Thin and frail or large, deficient, and without strength
English name Tang-Kuei Ginseng Eight Combination, Eight Treasure Decoction

This formula is very good as a Qi and Blood tonic for a person who is deficient in both; it is used for chronic problems or during recovery periods.*


Supplement Facts

Serving Size:  3 Capsules

Servings per Container:  33

Amount per Serving

Proprietary Blend

Angelica Sinensis Root - Dang Gui

Ligusticum Rhizoma - Chuan Xiong

Paeonia Radix - Bai Shao

Rehmannia Radix - Prepared) - Shu Di Huang

Panax Ginseng - Ren Shen

Atractylodes Rhizoma (White)  - Bai Zhu

Poria Cocos - Fu Ling

Glycyrrhiza Radix - Gan Cao

Ginger Rhizome - Sheng Jiang

Ziziphus Fructus (Red) - Da Zao

Licorice Root (Honey Prepared) - Zhi Gan Cao

Other Ingredients:  Starch

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