Green Aventurine Gemstone, Tumbled

Green Aventurine Gemstone, Tumbled

Green Aventurine Gemstone, Tumbled

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1 Stone (Approximately 1.25" - 1.75")
Taste Spicy, bitter
Properties neutral
Contraindications Do not use with medications, drugs or chemotherapy
Actions Regulates Qi and Liver Blood; Clears heat in the Blood; Calms the Shen
Channels Entered Lung, Liver, Heart, Kidney
Cleansing and Charging Cleanse once a month in running water for one hour. Recharge in quartz potentiated water or on a bed of hematite (Franks)
Chinese name Qing Ling Shi (Green Spirit Stone)
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Quantity (106 in stock)

Nourishing / Ying Qi Stone


Tumbled Green Aventurine, High Quality, Large

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