Ai Ye Granules

Ai Ye Granules

Ai Ye Granules

Brand Blue Poppy Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Taste Bitter; Acrid
Properties Warm
Contraindications Use with caution in those with heat from yin deficiency
Chinese Symptomology Prolonged menstrual and uterine bleeding due to deficiency cold; Restless fetus; Lower Abdominal Pain; Infertility due to a Cold Womb; Menstrual Pain due to Cold; Cold Damp Skin Itching
Western Symptomology Menstrual Bleeding - Prolonged; Uterine Bleeding; Infertility; Nosebleed; Vomit - Bloody; Painful Menstruation due to Cold; Itching - Skin
Actions Warms the Womb and stops bleeding; Disperses cold and alleviates pain; Eliminates dampness and stops itching
Channels Entered Spleen, liver, and kidney
English name Mugwort Leaf; Artemesia
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Bitter, acrid, and warm, Artemisiae argyi Folium (ai ye) enters the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney channels. Its aromatic, acrid flavor disperses, its warmth opens the flow of qi and blood in the three yin channels, and its bitterness dries dampness; thus it is an excellent gynecological herb to dispel cold-dampness and stop cold pain. Its primary applications are patterns of lower burner yang cold from deficiency, such as abdominal cold pain, cold disrupting the menstrual cycle, and infertility due to cold in the Womb. In its charred form, it can also stop bleeding, and is used in such cases as cold from deficiency causing menorrhagia, irregular uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, and threatened miscarriage with spotting during early pregnancy.

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