Ai Na Xiang Essential Oil, 5ml

Ai Na Xiang Essential Oil, 5ml

Ai Na Xiang Essential Oil, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5ml bottle
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Price: $18.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Steam distilled Balsamifera Folium
(Blumea Leaf)

Our Blumea Leaf essential oil is locally steam distilled from Balsamifera growing in the lush, green hills of Guizhou Province.

The aroma of Ai Na Xiang oil is strong, brightly pungent, menthol and herbaceous. Upon inhalation, it quickly penetrates, clears the nasal and bronchial passages, opens the sensory orifices and awakens the mind.*

Ai Na Xiang essential oil, with its abundant L-Borneol and 1-8 Cineole content is broadly antimicrobial, heat clearing and detoxifying as well as antioxidizing.*

Applied topically, it reduces the inflammation, swelling and pain of injuries. It is beneficial for skin problems such as burns, insect bites or stings, and inflammatory and allergic reactions.*

Used as a spray, or a mouth and nasal wash it treats sore throat, mouth ulcers and sinusitis. Diffused into the air it is helpful for respiratory conditions with cough, wheezing and congestion.*

Ai Na Xiang also has anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial benefits for digestive track infections.*

Note: middle

Major chemical components: 1,8-cineole, borneol, β-caryophyllene, camphor, 4-terpineol, a-terpineol, caryophyllene oxide.


Steam distilled Balsamifera Folium
(Blumea Leaf)