Advanced Arnica Plus Spray

Advanced Arnica Plus Spray

Advanced Arnica Plus Spray

Brand SafeCareRX
Unit Size 2oz Spray

Temporarily relieves symptoms: pain or stiffness in muscles or joints, bruising and discoloration, inflammation, soreness after exercise, body aches.*


  • Initially, depress pump until primed.
  • Spray one dose directly into mouth.
  • Adults: 3 sprays 3 times per day.
  • Children ages 6-12: 2 sprays 3 times per day.
  • Consult a physician for use in children under 6 years of age.
  • Use additionally as needed, up to 6 times per day.

Active Ingredients
Equal volumes of each HPUS** ingredient in 10X, 30X, and 1LM potencies.
– Arnica montana …………………………………… bruises, body aches, muscle pain, inflammation, stiff muscles, stiff joints
– Arnica montana, radix ………………………….. soreness after exercise
– Bellis perennis …………………………………….. sore joints & muscles, sprains
– Bryonia alba ………………………………………. inflammation, red, swollen & stiff joints
– Hypericum perforatum ………………………….. pain in joints & spine
– Lithium carbonicum …………………………….. aching joints, stiffness
– Magnesia phosphorica …………………………. muscle cramps, radiating pain
– Phytolacca decandra …………………………… spinal & rheumatic pains
– Rhus toxicodendron …………………………… tendon, ligament,& joint pain
– Ruta graveolens ………………………………… tendon & joint strains

**HPUS indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.

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