Acorus Tablets, 250 tablets

Acorus Tablets, 250 tablets

Acorus Tablets, 250 tablets

SKU SF102-250
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 250 tablets (Crude herbs are powdered and formed into tablets)
Chinese Symptomology Night Urination;Neuromotor disorders
Western Symptomology Attention Deficit Disorder;Epilepsy;Insomnia;Anxiety Attacks;
Actions Calms the spirit; Resolves Phlegm; Clears heat; Nourishes Yin
Pattern Phlegm Obstruction;Spirit Agitation;Yin Deficiency

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Acorus Tablets was designed on the basis of formulas used in Chinese Clinical trials for the treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity; the formulas are similar to those used to treat other kinds of brain dysfunctions, including epilepsy, mental retardation, and Alzheimer\'s disease. The treatments described in the literature ranged from acorus and polygala alone (to calm the spirit and resolve phlegm; derived from Yuan Zhi Wan, with acorus, polygala, fu-shen, and dragon teeth) to complex prescriptions that also clear heat and nourish yin (with rehmannia and tortoise shell as key ingredients). Inability to focus attention is understood, from traditional principles, to be the result of phlegm obstruction (addressed by acorus, polygala, and curcuma) and/or spirit agitation (addressed by fu-shen, succinum, oyster shell, dragon bone and teeth). Mind/brain disorders associated with phlegm mainly occur when internal heat vaporizes the fluids and yields a phlegm mist that obstructs the so-called "heart orifices" (see Dry Ginger Tablets for the case of cold phlegm obstruction). A childhood onset of the disorder is suggestive of a kidney essence deficiency syndrome, with yin deficiency being a factor in the heat and agitation syndrome (treated here by raw rehmannia and tortoise shell). A similar etiology is thought to be a cause of epilepsy, as well as other disorders affecting the functions of the brain or nervous system where the underlying syndrome involves heat and phlegm accumulation.

Ingredients Shi Chang Pu (Acorus) 15%; Yuan Zhi (Polygala) 10%; Fu Shen (Fu-Shen) 10%; Yi Zhi Ren (Alpinia) 10%; Yu Jin (Curcuma) 10%; Sheng Di (Rehmannia) 10%; Long Gu (Dragon Bone) 6%; Long Chi (Dragon Teeth) 6% Mu Li (Oyster Shell) 6%; Zhu Li (Bamboo Sap) 6%; Gui Ban (Tortoise Shell) 6%; Hu Po (Succinum) 5%

Ilex 15, 100 tablets

SKU: SF160-100

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