Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Brand Jade Dragon Teapills
Unit Size 200
Dosage 6 teapills, 3x daily
Potency 3:1 / 180mg
Chinese Symptomology Hectic fever and night sweats, lower back and sore knees, sore throat, insomnia, chronic swelling of the gums, ringing in the ears, and nocturnal seminal emission.
Western Symptomology Chronic disease, hypertension, and chronic nephritis.
Actions Nourishes yin to decrease pathogenic fire.
Pattern Hyperactivity of fire caused by yin deficiency.
Branch Kidney
Chinese name Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
English name Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (Menopause/Kidney Yin)
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Price: $20.98
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Quantity (12 in stock)
Description Excellent for easing menopausal signs due to Yin vacuity Heat: malaise, irritability, hot flashes, low back pain, dry mouth, night sweat.*

Ingredients Di Huang -shu (Rehmannia Root (Prepared)) Rehmannia glutinosa; Radix Praep. 28.00% Shan Zhu Yu (Asiatic Dogwood Fruit) Cornus officinalis; Fructus 14.00% Huai Shan / Shan Yao (Chinese Yam) Dioscorea oppositiflora; Radix 14.00% Ze Xie (Asian Water Plantain Rhizome) Alismatis orientalis; Rhizoma 10.00% Mu Dan Pi (Tree Peony Root Bark) Paeonia suffruticosa; Cortex 10.00% Fu Ling (Poria; Hoelen; Tuckahoe) Poria cocos; Sclerotium 10.00% Huang Bai (Phellodendron Bark) Phellodendron spp.; Cortex 7.00% Zhi Mu (Anemarrhena) Anemarrhena asphodeloides; Rh. 7.00%