Zheng Gu Shui; Rectify Bone Liquid, 1 fl. oz.

Zheng Gu Shui; Rectify Bone Liquid, 1 fl. oz.

Zheng Gu Shui; Rectify Bone Liquid, 1 fl. oz.

Brand Miscellaneous Chinese Formulations
Unit Size 1 fl. oz.
Dosage Soak cotton balls, gauze or cloth, and apply directly to injury. Cover with guaze, and leave in place for 1 to 2 hours. Repeat 2 times daily.
Contraindications Not for internal use. Skin sensitive patients may react to this product. Do not cover with plastic. Do not apply to open wounds. Avoid contact with eyes.
Chinese Symptomology Bone fracture; Inflammation and swelling during manual bone setting; Acute bruise; Swelling; Traumatic sprain; Torn or inflamed ligaments with or without swelling; Muscle pain; Strains
Western Symptomology Sprains; Strains; Bone fracture; Contussion
Actions Invigorates blood, breaks blood stasis, moves qi, stops bleeding, disperses swelling, strenghtens tendon and bone, dredges and opens the channels and collaterals, relieves pain.
Pattern Blood stasis; Trauma

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Chinese name 玉林牌正骨水(小) (1 fl. oz.)(30毫升)
English name Zheng Gu Shui; Rectify Bone Liquid, 1 fl. oz.
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Price: $7.99
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Quantity (107 in stock)
Description "This is the liniment of choice for bone fracture. Gauze, cotton balls or cloth soaked in the liquid, and applied directly to the fracture for thirty minutes up to two hours. In China, TCM doctors reset the bones every three days, following with wraps soaked in Zheng Gu Shui (or a formula like it) before applying splints. As a trauma liniment, it is applicable for other acute injuries marked by swelling or pain. Also useful as massage liniment before or after exercise. Can be added to bath water."* - From Fratkin - Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines.

Active Ingredients
Camphor 5.6% , Menthol 5.6%.

Inactive Ingredients
Alcohol, Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc.) rhizome, paniculate swallowwort [Pycnostelma paniculatum (Bge.) K. Schum.] root, shin-leaf prickly ash [Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.] root, water, and zedoary rhizome.