Yuan Zhi (Lab Tested)

Yuan Zhi (Lab Tested)

Yuan Zhi (Lab Tested)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 6-15 grams in decoction - Bensky
Potency 1:1
Taste Bitter, Acrid - Bensky
Properties Slightly Warm - Bensky
Contraindications This herb is relatively warm and drying, and unless prepared, can be irritating when ingested. Contraindicated for those with yin deficiency with heat signs as well as those with peptic ulcers or gastritis. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, restlessness, disorientation; Cough, emotional and mental disorientation, spasms, seizures; Angina pectoris; Boils, abscesses, sores, swollen and painful breasts - Bensky
Actions Transforms phlegm, opens the Heart orifice, reestablishes harmonious communication between the Heart and Kidneys
Pattern Lack of communication between Heart and Kidneys; Phlegm enveloping the orifice of the Heart; Phlegm affecting the Lungs; Abscess and swellings - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Lung - Bensky

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Chinese name Yuan Zhi
English name Polygala tenuifolia, Chinese Senega Root, thinleaf milkwort
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, rd ed.

  • Calms the spirit and quiets the Heart:  for insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, restlessness and disorientation.  Most effective in cases related to excessive brooding or constrained, pent-up emotions as well as those related to lack of communication between the Heart and Kidneys.*
  • Expels phlegm, clears the orifices, and stops coughs:  used when phlegm envelops the orifice of the Heart with such manifestations as emotional and mental disorientation, spasms, or seizures.  Also used for phlegm affecting the Lungs with copious sputum, expecially when it is difficult to expectorate.  Recently, it has also been used for angina pectoris.*
  • Reduces abcesses and dissipates swellings:  for boils, abscesses, sores, and swollen, painful breasts.  Used in powdered form and applied topically for the early stages of sores.*
Ingredients Zhi Yuan - Polygala tenuifolia (Lab Tested)