Yan Hu Suo (Cu) Granules, 100g

Yan Hu Suo (Cu) Granules, 100g

Yan Hu Suo (Cu) Granules, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Single Herb Granules - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100g Bottle
Potency 5:1 extract granules
Taste Acrid, bitter - Bensk
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Inappropriate during pregnancy unless warranted by exceptional circumstances. - Bensky
Pattern Blood Stasis - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Liver, Stomach - Bensky
Chinese name Yan Hu Suo (Cu)
English name Corydalis (Rhizome)(processed)

Invigorates the blood, strongly stops pain - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.


Yan Hu Suo (Cu) - Corydalis Rhizome (processed)

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