Yin-Care has earned the rare distinction of being one of those remedies highly-prized by healthcare professionals universally and has been used by millions of people over the last 20 years with remarkable effectiveness. It is a combination of 14 highly concentrated herbs treasured, for centuries in China, for their anti-pathogenic properties. Because it is an easy to use wash and highly versatile, it is wonderfully effective for a wide range of conditions. In modern, biomedical terms, Yin-Care has been formulated primarily for external use in the treatment of topical and gynecological infections due to viral, bacterial, fungal or yeast-type microbial pathogens. Yin-Care is designed for use in the treatment of damp, damp-heat, toxic heat, and wind-type pathogenic factors. This means Yin-Care can be applied to women\'s problems ranging from common yeast infections to STD\'s and for skin conditions ranging from common acne and athletes foot to psoriasis and shingles. Dry and transform dampness, clear heat and toxin, purge fire, cool blood, disperse wind and stop itching, reduce swelling, detoxify skin lesions, promote circulation. Use at varying concentrations both topically and intravaginally for dampness, damp-heat, toxic-heat and wind gynecological patterns with or with out discharge including leucorrhea, vaginitis, cervicitis, gonorrhea, vulvovaginitis, S.T.D.s, as well as general inflammations, infections and itching. Also used for various damp-heat, wind-damp and heat dermatological patterns such as psoriasis and eczema, shingles, rashes, cold sores, fungal foot afflictions, and acne. In small concentrations and applied as a compress to facilitate the healing of burns. This is China most widely used topical/intravaginal wash for gynecological as well as general bacterial, fungal and viral skin complaints. The formula is comprised of both the water-extracted and essential oil materials of the said herbs and can be quite effective in small concentrations (5-10%). It can be effectively applied as a wash, rub, sit-bath or compress. Caution: NOT for internal use. In rare instances, skin sensitive patents may react to this product in concentrations above 5%. Intravaginal application for inflammatory symptoms should begin at a lower concentration of 5% and increased to 15-20% with repeated use.

Please see Kuan Yin Apothecary for Alternate Items

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