Xiao Huo Luo Pian

Xiao Huo Luo Pian

Xiao Huo Luo Pian

Brand Tanglong Tablets (American Healing)
Unit Size 60 tablets
Potency 5:1 / 750 mg
Chinese Symptomology Prolonged numbness in the hands and feet or pain that moves around the whole body.
Western Symptomology Arthritis, lumbago, neck-shoulder-wrist syndrome, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injury, arthrosis deformans, chronic rheumatic arthritis.
Actions Dispels wind-dampness; removes phlegm and blood stagnation; warms the meridians and collaterals.
Pattern Stagnation of wind-dampness in the meridians and collaterals.
Chinese name Xiao Huo Luo Pian
English name Minor Invigorate Luo Channel Elixir
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

This is an excellent choice for poor circulation of Qi and Blood aggravated by cold and damp, employing herbs that invigorate Blood while warming the channels. It is commonly prescribed for arthralgia and arthritis with endogenous deficiency of Yang, or depletion of Yang by exogenous cold and damp. It is helpful in stroke disorders causing numbness or reduced movement. It can be used for both Bi syndrome and Wei syndrome. (Fratkin, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines)


Dan Nan Xing - Arisaema; Chuan Wu - Aconite; Cao Wu - Aconite; Di Long - Earthworm; Ru Xiang - Frankincense; Mo Yao - Myrrh

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