Women's Rhythm

Women's Rhythm

Women's Rhythm

SKU K124-8
Brand Kan Herbals
Unit Size 8 oz.
Dosage 10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
Potency 8:1
Properties Eases menstrual difficulty. Valuable for both men and women when the flow of Qi and Blood is disturbe anywhere in the body.
Contraindications Contraindicated during pregnancy
Actions Adjusts and regulates the menses, quickens the Blood and rectifies the Qi, nourishes the Blood, alleviates menstrual discomfort
Pattern Stagnant menstrual Qi and congealed menstrual Blood, deficient Blood.
Tongue Dark or normal tongue color, purplish or dark complexion, sometimes red dots.
Pulse Wiry, tight or choppy pulse, depending on whether Qi, Cold or Blood predominate the obstruction of the flow.


General Dosage Guidelines

It is recommended that tablets be taken either an hour before or two hours after a meal. Liquid extracts can be taken as late as ten minutes before a meal. An individual may, in some cases, feel uncomfortable taking herbs on an empty stomach. In such cases, herbs should be taken with a small amount of food. Another consideration is whether the practitioner’s intention is to supplement or to harmonize. Supplementation is usually a long and gentle process, requiring the use of an herbal formula in small dosages. When harmonizing, clearing Heat and addressing discomfort, larger doses may be more appropriate, particularly at the beginning.

TABLETS 2 tablets, 2 to 3 times daily
EXTRACTS 30 drops, 2 to 3 times daily
0 to 1 year of age 1/4 of the adult dose
1 to 4 years of age 1/3 of the adult dose
4 to 7 years of age 1/2 of the adult dose
7 to 12 years of age 3/4 of the adult dose


Chinese name tong yu jian, si wu tang

Women's Rhythm is a generalized formula for dealing with the discomfort and malaise of the menstrual cycle. Whenever blockages of Qi and Blood disrupt the natural, smooth passage of menstruation, Women's Rhythm can be an important part of a treatment plan.*


Dang gui shen - Dong quai root

Zhi xiang fu - Prepared cyperus rhizome

Hong hua - Carthamus flower

Zhi yan hu suo - Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber

Huai niu xi - Achyranthes root

Bai shao - White peony root

Chuan xiong - Sichuan lovage rhizome

Shu di huang - Prepared rehmannia root

He huan pi - Silk tree bark

Ze xie - Asian water plantain rhizome

Mu xiang - Saussurea root

Shan zha - Chinese hawthorn fruit

Mu dan pi - Tree peony root bark

Qing pi - Tangerine dried rind of green fruit

Rou gui - Chinese cinnamon bark

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