Women's Journey, (2 oz)

Women's Journey, (2 oz)

Women's Journey, (2 oz)

SKU K122-2
Brand Kan Herbals
Unit Size 2 oz
Dosage 10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
Potency 8:1
Chinese Symptomology Conflicting symptoms of excess and vacuity, Heat and Cold. Cold abdomen, pale complexion, flushing, sweating, fatigue and disturbed sleep. Biomedical uses include menopause, chronic infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, menorrhagia and amenorrhea in younger women presenting with signs of both Heat and Cold
Actions Warms the channels and menses and removes Cold, nourishes the Blood, transforms Blood stasis, regulates the Chong and Ren channels, replenishes Kidney Yin and Yang
Pattern Cold blocking the Chong and Ren Channels, Blood Stasis in the Lower Burner
Tongue Pale tongue, red tip
Pulse Soft, forceless and rapid
Chinese name wen jing tang
English name Women's Journey, (2 oz)
Description Warms the menses, dispels cold, nourishes the blood, and dispels blood stasis*.


Herb: Oyster shell, Dong quai root, White peony root, Tree peony root bark, Ophiopogon tuber, Evodia fruit, Chinese cinnamon twig, Ginger rhizome, Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Anemarrhena rhizome, Phellodendron bark, Morinda root, Curculigo rhizome, Raw rehmannia root, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Lycium fruit, Processed polygonum multiflorum root (soybean)

Herb (Pinyin): Duan mu li, Dang gui shen, Bai shao, Mu dan pi, Mai men dong, Wu zhu yu, Gui zhi, Gan jiang, Gan cao, Zhi mu, Huang bai, Ba ji tian, Xian mao, Sheng di huang, Bai ren shen, Gou qi zi, Zhi he shou wu