Bai Shao, White Peony Root - 32 oz.

Bai Shao, White Peony Root - 32 oz.

Bai Shao, White Peony Root - 32 oz.

SKU FES902-32
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts
Unit Size 32 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste bitter, sour - Bensky
Properties mildly cold - Bensky
Pattern Blood Deficiency; Blood Stasis; Liver Qi Constraint; Disharmony between the Liver and Spleen; Ascendent Liver Yang
Channels Entered Liver; Spleen
Chinese name Bai Shao
English name White Peony Root

Tonifies the Liver Blood; Extinquishes Wind; Nourishes the Liver and Spleen yin; adjusts the nutritive and protective levels.*


Bai Shao - White Peony Root

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