Warm the Flow, 1oz.

Warm the Flow, 1oz.

Warm the Flow, 1oz.

SKU KT147A-1
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 1oz. Bottle
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Congealed Blood due to Excess without underlying deficiency
Chinese Symptomology Supports healthy blood circulation, Supports healthy menstruation, Supports healthy reproductive organs, Occasional feeling of warmth in the evenings, especially in the palms or souls of the feet, Occasional dry mouth and lips, Occasional lumbar or sacral discomfort that gets worse after menstruation or when tired, Occasional cold in the lower abdomen
Actions Warms the menses, disperses Cold, nourishes the Blood, dispels Blood stasis
Pattern Blood deficiency, Blood stasis, Deficiency and Cold of the Penetrating (Chong) and Conception (Ren) vessels
Tongue Pale, possibly purple
Pulse Fine, rough
Chinese name Wen Jing Tang

Warms the menses, dispels cold, nourishes the blood, and dispels blood stasis*.

Warm the Flow (Wen Jing Tang) addresses deficiency and Cold of the Penetrating (Chong) and Conception (Ren) vessels. Both the Penetrating and Conception vessels originate in the lower abdomen, near the uterus. The Penetrating vessel is called the “sea of Blood” and the Conception vessel is said to “Dominate the uterus”. External or internal Cold can accumulate near these vessels in the lower abdomen, causing contraction and blockage of the vessels, leading to Qi and Blood stagnation, a common contribution to menstrual irregularities, such as early or late menstruation, extended flow length or occasional spotting between menstruation, and may be accompanied with occasional sensations of cold in the lower abdomen or menstrual discomfort that is improved with warmth.

Keeping feet and legs warm, avoiding sitting on cold surfaces, avoiding wearing shorts in cold weather, especially while exercising, and avoiding submerging the lower abdomen in cold bodies of water are important practices that help decrease the potential for Cold to become lodged in the vessels. The chance of Cold stagnating in the vessels greatly increases if the previously mentioned circumstances occur while menstruating. Cold lodging in the Lower Jiao is not limited to women, but is a more typical pattern for women due to regular monthly blood loss. Although this is primarily a Cold-based pattern, it is possible to have Heat in the palms and soles of the feet, a feeling of heat in the evening and occasional flushing upward of Heat. This could be mistaken for Yin deficiency, and it is differentiated by a concurrent cold lower abdomen with no desire to drink liquids.

Warm the Flow is a warming formula that dispels Cold, nourishes and invigorates the Blood. It is classically skillfully designed to address elements of combined excess and deficiency along with Cold and Heat presentations. Warming the Qi and Blood and dispelling Cold leads to and supports the nourishing of Blood and dispelling of stasis. Warm the Flow addresses both the root and the branch of the pattern, thereby promoting overall health of the Penetrating and Conception vessels.

The chief herbs, Evodia fruit and Chinese cinnamon twig, are both strongly warming. Evodia fruit warms the Interior and Middle Burner, regulates Liver Qi, redirects rebellious Qi down, dispels Cold and dries Dampness. Chinese cinnamon twig releases the Exterior, warms and unblocks the channels, strengthens the Yang and disperses Cold. This is a powerful combination to remove Cold, especially from the lower abdomen.

Dong quai root, Sichuan lovage rhizome and White peony root, the deputies, invigorate and nourish Blood, and dispel Blood stasis. In the classical form of Wen Jing Tang, Donkey-hide glue was used, and due to regulatory concerns, it has been replaced with Lycium fruit and processed Polygonum multiflorum root to tonify Blood and Yin. Ophiopogon tuber tonifies Blood and Yin, moistens Dryness, clears deficiency Heat, and regulates Liver Qi. Tree peony root bark clears Heat due to deficiency or excess, cools and invigorates the Blood.

The combination of White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Chinese licorice root and rhizome and Ginger rhizome, all warming herbs, strengthen the Qi of the Spleen and Stomach. Ginger cured Pinellia rhizome transforms Phlegm and redirects rebellious Qi downward.

For stronger signs of Blood stagnation with Blood deficiency, combine with Augmented Four Substances. For concurrent Liver Qi stagnation with occasional premenstrual disharmonies, combine with Free and Easy Wanderer or Jade Calm.

Flow-Warming Decoction or Warm the Channels Decoction (Wen Jing Tang).

  • Herb: Evodia fruit, Ophiopogon tuber, Chinese cinnamon twig, Dong quai root, Sichuan lovage rhizome, White peony root, Tree peony root bark, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Ginger cured pinellia rhizome, Ginger rhizome, Processed polygonum multiflorum root (soybean), Lycium fruit
  • Herb (Pinyin): Wu zhu yu, Mai men dong, Gui zhi, Dang gui shen, Chuan xiong, Bai shao, Mu dan pi, Bai ren shen, Gan cao, Jiang ban xia, Gan jiang, Zhi he shou wu, Gou qi zi
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