Turmeric Essential Oil

Turmeric Essential Oil

Turmeric Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
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On sale: $17.60 ($22.00) save 20%
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Fragrance profile: Sweet-wood and spicy, similar to Ginger oil, but sweeter and more full-bodied

Fragrance energy: Pungent-spicy

Properties: Calming, grounding and sensualizing

Complimentary blending: Creates tantalizing mysterious notes when combined with other sweet, woody oils like Patchouli, Sandalwood and Atlas cedarwood. Other good combinations include Ginger, Lovage root, Dong quai, Pimenta berry, Frankincense and most other spice oils.

For external use only. Properly dilute all essential oils in lotion or vegetable carrier oil before massage or other topical use. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, have any health conditions, or are taking medications, please consult your healthcare provider prior to using essential oils.


Botanical source: Curcuma longa
Plant part: The root
Origin: India
Production: Selective cultivation
Extraction method: Steam distillation of the fresh roots

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