True Warrior Formula, 120 tablets

True Warrior Formula, 120 tablets

True Warrior Formula, 120 tablets

SKU KT146B-120
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 120 Tablets
Contraindications Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Chinese Symptomology Pathogenic Water, abdominal discomfort which is aggravated by Cold
Western Symptomology Edema, urinary difficulty, an aching, heavy sensation in the limbs; fatigue, dizziness, palpitations; feelings of heaviness or cloudiness in the head; gas, loose stools or watery diarrhea, low metabolic rate
Actions Tonifies Yang, warms the Interior, promotes water metabolism and urination, dispels edema
Pattern Kidney Yang deficiency, or Spleen and Kidney Yang deficiency, with retention of pathogenic water
Tongue Dark or pale and swollen; teeth marks; white, slippery coat
Pulse Thin, submerged and forceless
Chinese name Zhen Wu Tang
English name True Warrior Formula
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Expected Resupply Date: Sep 30, 2025

In Chinese folklore, the Spirit of the North is known as the “True Warrior” and is responsible for managing the elements of Fire and Water. The Kidney is the source of the True Fire and Water of the body, and it is from this parallel that the formula draws its name. The Kidney is responsible for controlling the movement of body fluids through the Lower Burner; the balance of Kidney Yang and Yin must be maintained for proper regulation to occur. When True Yang is deficient, the Kidney Qi is no longer sufficiently supported, weakening its transformative powers. Water then overflows its bounds, accumulating in the Lower Burner and settling in the lower regions of the body.

Kidney Yang is the root of the body’s Yang Qi, and frequently its deficiency engenders Spleen Yang deficiency. This sequence strongly affects the movement and balance of Water in the body. Although Water is governed by the Kidney, the Spleen is responsible for controlling it. When Spleen Yang is unable to transform and transport water, Dampness may infiltrate the flesh, causing a pattern known as Leg Qi. The retention of Dampness may also cause occasional loose stools. The heavy quality of Water and Dampness also has an effect on the upper body, as the clear Yang is hindered from ascending, veiling the sensory organs, clouding the Mind, creating an occasional heavy or dizzy sensation. True Warrior Formula also addresses externally contracted Wind Cold at the Tai Yang or Greater Yang level.

One of the most useful guides to the many patterns for which this formula can be used is provided by Chen Chao-Zu in Strategies and Formulas in Chinese Herbology. He groups those under eight categories.

True Warrior Formula addresses:
• Spleen Yang deficiency with obstruction and stagnation of Phlegm fluid and water Dampness in the Lower Burner, Kidneys or Bladder.
• Stagnation and lingering of excess fluids in the Exterior manifesting as aversion to cold, occasional discomfort in the body and extremities and occasional water retention. If Yang deficiency predominates and the Exterior is not secured, then the person will have a tendency towards having a weak immune system.
• Occasional joint discomfort stemming from Kidney and Spleen deficiency, and where the ascending and descending functions are disturbed.
• Clogging and stagnation of the Liver channel.
• Water Qi intimidating the Heart, manifesting as occasional disordered mental or emotional balance.
• Water flooding the Upper Burner.
• Phlegm fluids and water Dampness attacking the clear Yang above, clogging and obstructing the sensory orifices.
• Impairment of Qi transformation leading to Dampness stagnating in the vessels and blood vessels.

True Warrior Formula manages Fire and Water by warming the Yang and dispelling Dampness. The chief herb in this formula is the very warming and spicy, prepared Aconite root. It tonifies the Fire at the Gate of Vitality, revives the Yang and supports the Kidney’s function of transforming water. It expels Cold Damp obstruction and guides the actions of the other herbs into all twelve channels. The deputies are White atractylodes rhizome and Poria. White atractylodes rhizome tonifies Spleen and Stomach Qi, dries Dampness, supports healthy water metabolism, and stabilizes the Exterior. Poria supports healthy urination, leaches out Dampness, strengthens the Spleen, harmonizes the Middle Burner, and quiets the Heart. Ginger rhizome warms the Middle and expels Cold, especially for warming the Spleen and Stomach when there is an excess due to externally contracted Cold. It also rescues the Yang, expels interior Cold and warms the Lungs and the channels. White peony root nourishes Blood, calms and curbs Liver Yang, preserves the Yin and adjusts the Nutritive and Protective levels.

True Warrior Decoction (Zhen Wu Tang), is a classical Chinese herbal formula found in the Shang han lun written by Zhang Zhong-Jing at the end of the later Han Dynasty.


Bai zhu - White atractylodes rhizome
Fu ling - Poria
Bai shao - White peony root
Zhi fu zi - Prepared aconite root
Gan jiang - Dried ginger rhizome

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