Tonify Qi, 1 oz

Tonify Qi, 1 oz

Tonify Qi, 1 oz

SKU CMS129-1
Brand Chinese Modular Solutions by Kan Herb Company
Unit Size 1 fl oz. dropper bottle
Potency 7:1
Contraindications None.
Chinese Symptomology Weakness or fatigue, especially with minimal exertion, flaccid muscles, perspires easily, at rest or with slight exertion, loose skin, limp hair, poor healing of wounds, susceptibility to colds and flues, prolonged recovery following illness, weak breath and voice, pale and pasty complexion, dull eyes and expression, mental dullness, declining libido, overwhelmed by mental or emotional challenge
Actions Supplements Nutritive Qi (Ying), invigorates Defensive Qi (Wei), and consolidates Essence Qi (Jing). Also supports conception and pregnancy, supports the muscles of the rectum and bladder.
Pattern Deficiency of Spleen, Lung and Kidney
English name Tonify Qi, 1 oz

There are three sources of Qi: Postnatal Qi (Ying) from the Spleen, Pulmonary (Zong) Qi from the Lung, and Prenatal (Yuan) Qi from the Kidney. Formulas that tonify Qi in the broadest sense first emphasize supplementing the Qi and Spleen, then Lung, then Kidney. This is because Qi is most readily available from the Spleen via nutrition, secondarily from the Lung via respiration, and lastly from the Kidney via inheritance and conservation. Strategically, promoting the Spleen's capacity to assimilate and distribute nourishment insures adequate resources under the command of the Lung, and fortifies the vital reserves governed by the Kidney.*



Pin Yin Herb

Common Name

Ci wu jia

Eleuthero root and rhizome

Huang qi

Astragalus root

Bai zhu

White atractylodes rhizome

Wu wei zi

Schisandra fruit

Bai ren shen

White Asian ginseng root and rhizome

Gan cao

Chinese licorice root and rhizome

Chen pi

Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit

Chao zhi ke

Dry fried bitter orange mature fruit

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