Throat Mist, 1 oz

Throat Mist, 1 oz

Throat Mist, 1 oz

SKU WWH346-1
Brand Wise Woman Herbals
Unit Size 1 oz
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This item is temporarily out of stock from the manufacturer and cannot be ordered at this time. As far as we know, this item has not been discontinued at this time, so please check back later or scroll to the bottom of the page to select an alternate (if one is available). You can also click the envelope icon to signup for an email notification.

Expected Resupply Date: Dec 27, 2024

Supports normal healthy tissue of the throat during times of normal irritation.*


astringent, cooling



Spray, swallow and ingest 1-2 times, as needed up to 10 times a day.

You may receive the spray mister packaging in either white or black for a limited time.


  • Supports normal healthy throat tissue*
  • Promotes a healthy immune response during the winter months*
  • Supports and soothes a dry scratchy throat*

Echinacea, propolis, hyssop, Southern prickly ash, osha, wild bergamot, bitter and sweet orange essential oils in a base of organic cane alcohol, mountain spring water, and vegetable glycerin.

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