Three Kernal Decoction, 4 oz

Three Kernal Decoction, 4 oz

Three Kernal Decoction, 4 oz

SKU KAH108-4
Brand Alembic Herbals by Kan
Unit Size 4 oz.
Dosage As directed
Chinese Symptomology A band-like sensation around the head, and congestion of the sense organs. Sensations of aversion to cold, as well as generalized heat effusion, especially in the afternoon. Generalized sensations of heaviness and fatigue in limbs Dry mouth with absence of thirst, or thirst without a desire to drink. Helps alleviate Pi/Glomus; an oppressive sensation of the chest and abdomen Poor food intake with occasional nausea, and sticky, incomplete bowel movements, possibly a Heat quality to the urine, such as short voiding or a darker color Pale yellow facial complexion A desire to sleep in the afternoon
Actions Diffuses and disinhibits the Qi hua/Qi transformation, clears and disinhibits Damp Heat, governs early stages of Damp warmth and Chun wen/Summerheat warmth with concurrent Dampness patterns
Pattern Damp Heat disorders associated with chronic conditions and contraction of Damp warmth, early stage of Damp warmth patterns, with a heavy component of Dampness, and mild Heat
Tongue White, greasy tongue coating.
Pulse Wiry, thin and soggy.
Chinese name San ren tang jia jian
English name Three Kernal Decoction
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"This formula is ascribed to early stages of damp warmth disease, with a heavy component of damp, and mild heat. With simultaneous disease in the wei qi/defense qi. The lung governs qi, associated with defense qi. When defense qi is obstructed by damp evil, it produce aversion to cold. Dampness stagnating in the defense/exterior causes the qing yang/clear yang to be obstructed, causing a band-like headache. This is what Ye Tian-shi means when he says that damp and warmth steam, depress, and cloud above (in the upper burner). The clear orifices (sense organs) become congested, and turbid evil damages the clear (Wai gan wen re lun/Ye Tian-shi). Because there is heat located in the dampness evil, being a yang evil it forces the dampness to move, therefore although there is heat effusion, it is generalized and unresolved. The dampness and heat steam together. Damp is a yin evil, its nature is sticky and stagnating. Dampness forces the heat to become latent, and it obstructs the three burners. It becomes lodged in the qi fe/qi aspect, which causes the heat effusion to become severe in the afternoon. Dampness is heavy in nature, so when it becomes lodged in the fleshy exterior, it causes generalized heaviness and fatigued limbs. Damp turbidity obstructs the center burner, clear fluids fail to bear upward, so they brew below and cause short voiding of reddish urine. The white greasy tongue fur and wiry thin and soggy pulse are both signs of dampness and heat." - Z'ev Rosenberg: Clinical Guide for Practitioners* "In modified Three Kernel Decoction, the three sovereign medicinals are Yi yi ren (Job's tears seed), for disinhibiting dampness from the lower burner, Bai dou kou (Chinese cardamom fruit) for clearing dampness from the middle burner and aromatically awakening the spleen, and Xing ren (Apricot seed) for disinhibiting dampness from the upper burner, while regulating lung qi, By regulating lung qi, circulating qi restores normal water metabolism and helps alleviate systemic dampness. Hou po (Magnolia bark) is warm and aromatic, regulating digestion, relieving distention and normalizing bowel movements. Jiang ban xia (Ginger-cured pinellia) descends counterflow qi and turbid yin, relieves distention, and resolves phlegm. Tong cao (Tetrapanax/Rice paper plant pith) disinhibits urination and clears amp heat, and Dan zhu ye (Lopatherum/bamboo leaf and stem) clears heat from the upper burner, eliminating vexation, and disinhibits damp heat through urination. In this version of the prescription, we have removed the Hua shi (Talcum) from the original prescription and added Yin chen hao (Capillaris), bitter, cool and aromatic, to clear damp heat from the liver spleen, stomach and gallbladder. This medicinals also help broaden the scope of this formula to treat patients with jaundice or any damp warmth disorder with gallbladder/liver involvement. We have also added Qing hao (Sweet wormwood) to outthrust evil heat from the qi fen/qi aspect to the exterior and reduce heat effusion. both herbs enter the shao yang channel, to this formula can also treat malaria-like disorders with damp heat, with alternating heat effusion and chill. Finally, we have added Huo xiang (Chinese giant hyssop), which is aromatic, acrid and slightly warm, to release the exterior, resolve dampness, and benefit the middle burner. - Rosenberg: Clinical Guide*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Yi yi ren

Job's tears seed

Xing ren

Apricot seed

Jiang ban xia

Ginger cured pinellia rhizome

Bai dou kou

Chinese cardamom fruit

Hou po

Magnolia bark

Xiao tong cao

Japanese helwingia pith

Dan zhu ye

Lophatherum herb

Yin chen hao

Capillaris herb

Qing hao

Sweet wormwood herb

Guang huo xiang

Patchouli herb

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