Thistles Compound, 1 oz

Thistles Compound, 1 oz

Thistles Compound, 1 oz

SKU HAL252-1
Brand Herbalist & Alchemist
Unit Size 1 fl oz. dropper bottle
Dosage 30-40 drops (1.5-2 ml) taken 3 times per day for an extended period of time. 3-6 months is recommended. Take in warm tea
Western Symptomology hepatitis, liver congestion, cirrhosis, liver dysfunction, biliary dyskinesia, biliousness, poor fat metabolism, elevated liver enzymes, dysbiosis, leaky gut syndrome, chronic clay-colored stools with or without constipation.
Actions Milk Thistle and Turmeric protect the liver from toxins and viruses as well as strengthen liver function. Dandelion and Watercress are tonifying and nourishing to the liver, and Blessed Thistle and Oregon Grape are bitters that enhance the liver's cleansing process by increasing the flow of bile. - Winston
English name Thistles Compound, 1 oz
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Price: $17.60
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Description "Thistles Compound is a balanced formula that helps to normalize liver function in general. It tones the liver, increases cellular regeneration, protects the liver from environmental toxins and gently cleanses it by increasing bile production." - Winston: Herbal Therapeutics*

Additional Useful Herbs: Schisandra, Chicory root, Picrorrhiza, and Bupleurum.
Ingredients fresh Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale), fresh Watercress herb (Rorippa nasturtium-aquatica), fresh Blessed Thistle herb (Cnicus benedictus), Milk Thistle seed (Silybum marianum), fresh Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) and Oregon Grape root (Mahonia nervosa)
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