The Great Intent: Acupuncture Odes, Songs and Rhymes

The Great Intent: Acupuncture Odes, Songs and Rhymes
SKU | SD214 | |
Brand | Singing Dragon | |
Unit Size | 2013, Paperback, 246mm x 173mm / 10in x 7in, 320pp | |
Properties | ISBN: 978-1-84819-132-7, |
Description | The Great IntentAcupuncture Odes, Songs and RhymesRichard BertschingerSongs and rhymes have been used by physicians for centuries in China as a means of memorising and passing on methods of practice and behaviour, moral attitudes, effective points, diagnostic tips and rules of thumb. These newly translated poems offer a rich insight into the life and thought of these skilled doctors, as well as practical indications for treatment. Contemporary acupuncturists can see from these poems the depths of the tradition, better understand a breadth of diagnostic skills and treatment planning, and as a result greatly improve their appreciation of intent within their own practice. The poems also serve as a gentle introduction to the philosophy behind acupuncture practice. ContentsPreface. Original Introduction to The Golden Needle. Introducing The Great Intent. The Odes, Songs and Rhymes. Ode to the Whole Body's Points and Channels. Ode to the One Hundred Symptoms. A Song on the Rule of the Hundred Points. A Song on how the Six Qi Create Disease. The Song 'Four All-encompassing Points'. The Song 'Nine Needles which Revive the Yang'. Ode to the Streamer out of the Dark. Ode to the Magnanimity of the Mat. Ode to the Golden Needle. A Song on how the Cycling Five of Heaven Control Disease. A Rhyming Guide to Essential Indications when Needling. Ode to the Jade Dragon. Old Teacher Mulberry's Rhyme 'Secrets of the Stars'. Ma Danyang's Song on the Twelve Points. Shining Bright as the Starry Sky and Able to Heal all the Many Diseases. Ode to the Importance of Penetrating the Dark Mystery. Ode to the Magic Brightness. Ode to Holding Back the River. Ode to Intricacies in the Circulating Flow. The Song 'Tricks to Keep up Your Sleeve'. The Secret Rhyme on Needling 'Barriers Within'. Tonifying and Reduction Swept Clear as Snow. The Song 'General Pointers When Needling'. The Song 'Opening the Door to Needling Law'. Symptom Index. Point Index.Glossary. Bibliography. English/Chinese Point Name Index. Index to Chinese Point Names. Brief Dynastic History. General Index to the Odes. Reviews
Author informationRichard Bertschinger studied for ten years with the Taoist sage and Master, Gia-fu Feng. A practising acupuncturist, teacher of the healing arts, and translator of ancient Chinese texts, he works and practises in Somerset, England. |