The Compleat Acupuncturist: A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis

The Compleat Acupuncturist:  A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis

The Compleat Acupuncturist: A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis

Brand Singing Dragon
Unit Size 254mm x 177.8mm / 10in x 7in, 292pp
Properties 2014, Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-84819-198-3
English name The Compleat Acupuncturist: A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis
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The Compleat Acupuncturist

A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis
Peter Eckman
Foreword by William Morris

In this highly original and authoritative book, Peter Eckman takes pulse diagnosis as a common thread that links and integrates the various disciplines of Oriental medicine, and shows that they are in fact related by a common origin several thousand years ago. The text describes the clinical details used in a variety of acupuncture styles, synthesizing them into a coherent whole, and illustrating the usefulness of this model with an extensive presentation of case histories. A fundamental premise of the book is that treatment should be based not only on the current condition of the patient, but even more importantly on their inherent constitution. The description of constitutional pulse diagnosis therefore forms Part 1 of the text, the description of conditional pulse diagnosis forms Part 2 and Part 3 provides more than 30 case histories with pulse analysis, diagnosis and treatment (with outcomes), so that the book will be of utmost practical benefit.

Much of the book consists of new theoretical schemata to organize traditional Oriental medical concepts into a coherent whole - groundbreaking work that will provide fresh insights and deeper understanding to all practitioners of Chinese medicine, especially acupuncturists. It presents a wealth of material that is not commonly available in Indian (Ayurveda), Korean or Chinese medicine, as well as other traditions of Oriental medicine, including the only thorough presentation of Korean Constitutional Acupuncture in English, based on the author's personal study under its originator.


Apologia. Dedication. Introduction. Prologue. Acknowledgments. Part 1. Constitutional Pulse Diagnosis. 1. Constitution and Condition. 2. An Overview of Constitutional Pulse Diagnosis. 3. Korean Hand Acupuncture (KHA) and Ayurvedic Medicine. 4. Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM). 5. Five Element Acupuncture (FEA). 6. The Six Warps or Energetic Levels (SEL). 7. Determining the Causative Factor (CF). 8. Eight Constitutions Medicine (ECM or KCA). 9. Expanding SCM (The Sixteen Constitutions Hypothesis). 10. A Complete Model: The Twenty Four Constitutions. Part 2. Conditional Pulse Diagnosis. 11. Carotid/Radial Pulses (Yin/Yang, 6 Levels & 8 Extras). 12. Interpreting the Vikruti in Ayurveda. 13. Reinterpreting Classical Chinese Pulse Diagnosis (Yin/Yang). 14. Reinterpreting Ministerial Fire. 15. Chakra Pulse Diagnosis. Part 3. Pulse Diagnosis in the Clinic. 16. Before Applying the Model. 17. A Few More Words about Treatment. 18. The Four Needle Technique, Five Elements & Yin/Yang Revisited. 19. Case Histories. 20. An Afterword. Appendix 1. Meridian and Point Locations for KHA. Appendix 2. Treatment Formulae for KCA. Bibliography. Glossary.


'Peter Eckman's accomplishment in The Compleat Acupuncturist is truly remarkable. It is a grand synthesis that certainly ranks as one of the most significant texts on pulse diagnosis in the history of the medicine. Beyond the wealth of technical information or theory communicated there is the inspiration that, if we apply ourselves diligently as Peter has, that we too may awaken to the heart of the medicine and an inspiring synthesis of our own. Peter's text reaffirms my conviction that Chinese medicine, having become a world medicine, is flourishing.'

- Lonny Jarrett, M. Ac., author of Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine

'I'm truly amazed at [Peter Eckman's] scholarship - and at [his] ability to draw so many threads together. I also think it is extraordinarily well-written, and very easy to read, even though the subject matter is far from easy.'

- Nora Franglen, Founder of the School of Five Element Acupuncture (SOFEA) and author of The Handbook of Five Element Practice, Keepers of the Soul, Patterns of Practice and The Simple Guide to Five Element Acupuncture

'Reaching a new height of inquiry into the problem of constitutional diagnosis, Peter Eckman has resolved a problem in the practice of pulse-diagnosis, one that has plagued acupuncture since its devolution in the 1950s. [...]This is a brilliant and original contribution to the practice of pulse diagnosis. I look forward to using it in my practice.'

- from the Foreword by William Morris, PhD, DAOM, author of Li Shi-zhen Pulse Studies: An Illustrated Guide and Transformation: Treating Trauma with Acupuncture and Herbs

'I am most grateful when scholars dare to take on interdisciplinary topics, as Peter Eckman has done with this project. I predict that this type of synthesis and integration will be one of the main features of the 21st century, and Peter is truly ahead of the game with this project!'

- Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc, Founding Professor, School of Classical Chinese Medicine, National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon

'Peter Eckman's book on pulse diagnosis will become an instant classic as there has certainly never been anything like it before. His intellectual rigour, combined with his vast clinical experience, has enabled him to integrate several different styles of pulse diagnosis into a coherent whole. All practitioners who place a high value on pulse diagnosis should read this book.'

- Peter Mole, acupuncturist and Dean of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading, UK

Author information

Peter Eckman has been a full time acupuncturist for forty years and is an international teacher and published author in the field. He studied under J.R. Worsley, T.W. Yoo and D.W. Kuon, three of the most influential acupuncture teachers of the 20th century, and currently practices in San Francisco and California, USA.

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