Tempo D-Type Acupuncture Needles

Tempo D-Type Acupuncture Needles

This needle is NOT approved by Health Canada

Silicone Coated

Perfect for ear acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, freehand needling at Jing-well points, and any number of other specialized applications, the Tempo D-type needle provides both patient and acupuncturist with maximum comfort and efficiency.  The ergonomic plastic handle is ultra-lightweight, allowing for maximum patient comfort when needling in the delicate and often tender areas these needles were designed for. 

.16x15mm (Red) Tempo D-Type Acupuncture Needle

SKU: Tempo117
Unit Size: 100 Needles

40g x 0.5'' - No Guide Tube - Plastic Handle

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.20x15mm (Blue) Tempo D-Type Acupuncture Needle

SKU: Tempo118
Unit Size: 100 Needles

36g x 0.5'' - No Guide Tube - Plastic Handle

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