Temper Fire (300 tablets)

Temper Fire (300 tablets)

Temper Fire (300 tablets)

SKU K119-300
Brand Kan Herbals
Unit Size 300 tablets
Dosage 2-3 tablets, 2-3 times per day
Chinese Symptomology Chronic urinary and genital problems, urinary difficulty, painful or rough urination. Recurring pimples and ulcerations in the genital area, awkward sexual energy, dry vagina, painful intercourse. Chronic sore throat, red eyes, chronic fever, tinnitus, heat flushes, night sweats, back pain, dry mouth, loose teeth and sore throat
Actions Nourishes Kidney Yin and controls vacuity Fire, drains chronic Damp Heat
Pattern Kidney Yin vacuity Fire, vacuous Kidney Yin with Damp Heat in the Lower Burner
Tongue Reddish or dry tongue
Pulse Thin and rapid

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Chinese name zhi bai di huang wan
English name Temper Fire (300 tablets)
Description Temper Fire is appropriate if the Yin of the Kidneys is insufficient and the person has Fire signs affecting any Kidney function. This formula helps to nourish, sustain, and control the fundamental necessities and possibilities of life that are rooted in the Kidney's Water, Essence, Will, and Wisdom. Temper Fire helps restore firmness to the Yin, and control an overly dynamic Yang.


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Shu di huang

Rehmannia root (prepared)

Shan zhu yu

Asiatic cornelian cherry

Shan yao

Chinese yam rhizome

Ze xie

Asian water plantain rhizome

Mu dan pi

Tree peony root bark

Fu ling


Zhi mu

Anemarrhena rhizome

Huang bai

Phellodendron bark

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