Each dose contains equal parts of:
Calc Fluorica 12X HPUS……………deficient enamel of teeth; brittle enamel; toothache aggravated by food
Calc Phos 12X HPUS……………….rapid decay of teeth; inflamed gums; sensitive teeth; tingling toothache
Crabapple 5X HPUS…………………feeling unclean inside and out
Ferrum Phos 12X HPUS……………toothache
Gorse 5X HPUS……………………..stagnation has taken hold
Kali Phos 6X HPUS…………………bleeding gums; aching teeth; toothache with bleeding gums; water cankers; offensive breath
Mag Phos 12X HPUS……………….sensitive teeth; shooting toothache
Rock Water 5X HPUS………………strong desire for self-perfection
The letters HPUS indicate that these ingredients are officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.