Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Granules, 100g

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Granules, 100g

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Granules, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Granule Formulas - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100 gram bottle
Potency 5:1
Actions Clear Heat and Blood Stasis in the Lower Burner.
Tongue Usually red and dry.
Pulse Usually deep and forceful, or hesitant.
Chinese name Tao He Cheng Qi Tang (Tokaku-joki-to)
English name Peach Pit Formula to Order the Qi

This formula drains Heat; removes Blood Stasis.*


Peach Pit (Tao ren) 5.00g; Cinnamon Bark (Gui zhi) 5.00g; Rhubarb (Da huang) 10.00g; Mirabilitum (Mang xiao) 5.00g; Licorice (Gan cao) 5.00g